Gaman guladha Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay, Yuwaalayaay

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  • Select languages

    You can choose to view words from any combination of Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay, and Yuwaalayaay words. The default option is to include all languages.

  • Select first letter

    You can shoose to view words starting with any of the first letters, or ‘All’ (view all words). The default option is to display words starting with ‘All’. Your page might display more slowly if you select ‘All’.

  • Select view

    The dictionary is available in 3 different views. Choose the one which is suited to your query:

    • Brief

      The ‘Brief’ view is for simple browsing and displays the language word, the languages that word occurs in (for the abbreviations used, see below), and an English translation equivalent.

    • More

      The ‘More’ view also includes audio - click on the speaker icon to hear the word. Also displayed is the word’s part of speech (e.g. noun, verb etc. (see below for the abbreviations used).

    • Max

      The ‘Max’ view also includes:

      • sentence examples
      • additional notes and explanations
      • cross-referencing links to related words in the dictionary
      • distinguishing of subentries by indenting under their main entry
      • for most plants and animals, links to major sources of further information (see below for information about the sources we have used).
      • audio - click on the speaker icon   to hear the word, and displays the part of speech (e.g. noun, verb etc. (see below for the abbreviations used).


    Language names

    AbbreviationLanguage name

    Parts of speech

    Gaman includes many part-of-speech labels. The main ones are:

    AbbreviationPart of speech
    vtrVerb (transitive)
    viVerb (intransitive)
    plnPlace name
    vpVerb phrase
    advpAdverb (indicating place)
    nadjNoun & Adjective
    nplnNoun: Place name
    qQuestion word
    advtAdverb (indicating time)
    adjadvAdjective & Adverb

    Linked sources for plants and animals

    Many words for plants and animals have a set of links like this: (→W) (→EOL) (→ALA). Clicking on any of these links send a request for information about that plant or animal to these well-respected websites:

    AbbreviationWeb source
    WWikipedia, from the Wikimedia Foundation
    EOLThe Encyclopedia of Life, from the Smithsonian Institute (USA)
    ALAAtlas of Living Australia, from the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and CSIRO (Australia)

    Use Search to:

    • find GYY words: particular Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay, Yuwaalayaay (GYY) words
    • find English meanings: GYY dictionary entries that use particular English words to explain their meanings

    GYY word search

    Type your search term into the box, make sure “Search in GYY” is selected, then press “Yananga” (Go).

    You can type a whole GYY word, or part of a word; for example:

    • if you type ‘gaba’ you will find GYY words including “gaba” “gaban” and “bagabaga”.

    To search for GYY words that contain hyphens (such as “aaba-li”) or fullstops (such as “gun.gun”), you can include these in your search term or omit them. Search will find all the matched words even if you don’t include the hyphens or fullstops:

    • if you type “aabali” you will find “aaba-li”, and “dhurraabali”.
    • however, if you do include any hyphens or fullstops, you will only find words that do include them. For example, if you type “-li” you will find “ma-li” and “dha-li”, but notgali” or “milimili”,

    English meaning search

    Type your search term into the box, make sure “Search in English” is selected, then press “Yananga” (Go).

    You can type a whole English word, or part of a word; for example:

    • if you type ‘bird’ you will find GYY words with meanings including “bird”, “birds”, and “butcherbird”.

    Search results

    if your search is successful, the page with display a list of GYY entries. Each item in the list is a summary entry only: to see its full entry, click on the linked (underlined) GYY word and you will be taken to the main dictionary entry.

    Go to Search page