Gaman guladha Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay, Yuwaalayaay
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Aboriginal doctor, clever man wiringin
Aboriginal man giwiirr
Aboriginal man; Aboriginal person dhayn
Aboriginal man: initiated man; important man; Aboriginal man yuurray
Aboriginal person; Aboriginal man mari
Aboriginal woman yinarr
Aboriginal woman, married woman wirringgaa
absolutely, too right giirruu
accent: pronunciation, accent; tune, intonation dhaalan
across: crosswise, across; non-marriageable (woman) nganbirr
Adam's apple, throat; passage, cattle race wun.guwi
adder: death adder mundharr, murrubi
affectionate: little -ili
afraid, frightened garigari, giyal, gun.gun
afterbirth wangali
afterwards buwabiila
again yaluu
again: first again milanburr
alas!: poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
alcohol: white; clear alcohol balaa
alcohol: white; clear alcohol; methylated spirits banggabaa
alert, watchful milgumilgu
alive murrun
all day, on-going, habitual -ngaya-li
all over the place wiyalwiyal
all over the place: untidy, all over the place dhurradhurraa
all possible -luu
all right ngaayay
all right: good, well; all right, correctly; well (healthy) gaba
all right: okay! all right! ngaayaybaay
all; whole; everything ganungawu
all: consume all (of the food or drink) gurra-li
all: everything, all gurrugurru
almost, nearly ngaliman
alone biyaduul
alone, friendless; unique mamaldhalibaa
alone, only one milanduul
also, too -bula
alternative name bilaan
ancestors maran
ancestral eagle man Maliyangarr
and, another ngaragay, ngayagay
angophora (apple tree) bulamin
angry yiili
angry person yiiliyiiliyan
angry; savage yiiliyanbaa
angry: annoy, make someone angry yiili burranba-li
animal: meat; meat (totem); animal dhii
animals: ground-dwelling animals dhaymaadhi
annoy, make someone angry yiili burranba-li
another, other murrunbaa
another: and, another ngaragay, ngayagay
ant (any, black); shrimp giidjaa
ant nest: male echidna; echidna ant sack; ant nest gadhuu
ant: black ant dhuwiyuwiy
ant: bull ant burudha, buyuga, gabiyan
ant: common ant ganal
ant: greenhead ant bayaarr, muwan
ant: jumper ant milbaawaay, milbarawaay
ant: meat ant buurrngan
ant: small brown ant wamuwaa
ant: sugar ant barrawaraay
ant: type of ant gaalan
ant: white ant, termite baamagaaliyan
anus nyii
apple tree: angophora bulamin
apple tree: emu apple tree, gruie guri, guwi
arched: bent over; arched, bowed dhuli
area: clear area, camp area maraay
arm; wing; branch bungun
armband bununggaa
armlet: woman's armlet gumil
around a fire: close to a fire, around a fire guwiinbarraan
around: right around yalagidhaay
around: turn around, revolve; turn into, transform; tangle up gayarra-y
ashes girran
ask for miinba-y
ask; beg dhaya-li
astonished: be astonished yuulbaarra-y
at somewhere minyaayawaa
at that time, then yalagiirrmawu
at: to/at/on me nganunda
at: where at? minyaaya
attack buwawa-li
aunt (father's sister) gamiyan, giluu
aunt (mother's older sister) burrul ngambaa
aunt (mother's younger sister) dhugaaga ngambaa
aunt: mother-in-law (husband's mother); aunt (any), aunt (man's father's sister) walgan
aunt: mother; aunt (mother's sister) gunii, ngambaa
aunt: mother; aunt (mother's sister); female gunidjarr
Australasian grebe, diver (bird) dhiinbin
Australasian shoveler duck; whistling duck dhibayuu
Australian bustard: plains turkey, Australian bustard gumbulgaban
Australian kestrel, nankeen kestrel wala
Australian raven: crow, Australian raven waan
awake: wake up, awake dhirra-li
axe handle birra
axe mark baayl
axe-face spirit Nguluyuundu
axe: stone axe, tomahawk birran.gaa, gambu
axe: stone axe, tomahawk; axe yuundu
Babarra: brown and yellow snake; Babarra babarra
babbler: grey-crowned babbler dhadhalurraa
baby: child; baby birralii
baby: cry-baby; cranky yumbu
baby: spoilt child, cry-baby yungiirr
bachelor: one male emu; bachelor ganduwi
bachelor's camp wiidhaga
back -uwi, -uwi-y
back (body part) bawa
back log wiigun
back of knee gayarr
back of neck nhan
back: behind, back ngaya
back: bring back, take back gaaguwi-y
back: come back, go back, return dharrawuluwi-y
back: go home, go back yanaawuwi-y
back: put back, return yuwanma-li
backbone, spine guriya, guuyaa
backwards miirrmiirr
bad mood gagil guuyay
bad spirit bagii
bad-weather camp dhirrinbaa
bad, no good; Coghill gagil
badly, carelessly, not right gamil maaru, waal maayu
bag; pouch (kangaroo) man.garr
bag: clever man's bag; spirit holder bundurr
bag: net bag; fish net; goanna eggs gulay
bag: tea bag dhii man.garr
bag: water bag galinmay, miidja
bag: woven bag waygal
baked soil barrin
bald head biirra gawugaa
ball, ball game; testicles, balls burugalaa, buugalaa
Ballone: great egret; Ballone (place and river) baluun
balls: testicles, balls bugalaa, buru, buu
banana bundul
banana: native banana gaagulu
banana: native banana yam biyarrbirr, giban
banded plover bundabul
bandicoot: golden bandicoot barrawan
bandicoot: western barred bandicoot guru, guyu
bandy bandy snake dhuyubagan
bandy legged buyu wayawaya
Bangate: black-tailed native hen; Bangate baan.giirr
bank: river bank baga
bank: sloping river bank wanba
bank: steep bank ngandirr, nganggil
bare: dry, empty, bare; thirsty; Pallal balal
bark gula-li
bark canoe bunduurraa
bark container gumbilgal
bark discs: game with discs and spears; bark discs wanggalay
bark hut; tin canoe dhaadharr
bark sheet dhayaarr
bark throwing stick: club; bark throwing stick wagarraa
bark: burial bark; coffin nhiirruu
bark: dog bark waalwaal
bark: flaking bark dharraa
bark: kurrajong bark giyawaan, muramin
bark: large bark vessel yabil
bark: manna (on bark) dharraabiin
bark: piece of bark yarraadharr
bark: quinine tree; quinine bark gadibundhu
bark: tree bark bidjal
bark: tree bark; tin; canoe nganda
barking owl muurrguu
barn owl nguunguu, wanggii
barrel, bucket baril
Barwon River Baawan
base; bucket base buu
bat: fruit bat, flying fox bibaaya
bathe, paddle; dive, duck under wunga-y
battle girray, wuurraa
battle ground girraybaa
battle spirit; location Wurrawaadhiyan
be astonished yuulbaarra-y
be born: give birth; lay egg; be born gaanga-y
be buried nhamurra-y
be caught bayama-y
be covered: cover (self), be covered buluba-y
be cut; choke garra-y
be full of food garrabi-y, mubal muurra-y
be hit buma-y
be hot: burn; be hot; burn with pain; cook gudhuwa-y
be in, be inside wa-y
be lonely walindja-li
be on top; be up ma-y
be quiet; be still dhabi-y
be sick wiibi-li
be sick: feel sick, be sick dhaala-gi
be still: be quiet; be still dhabi-y
be sweet on: love guwiirrnga-li
be up: be on top; be up ma-y
be wrapped marramba-y
beak: nose; beak; point muru
beard, whiskers; moustache yarray
bearded dragon, frilled lizard balawagarr, dhalagal, dharri, wuulaa
because, therefore waama
because: from; because of; circumstance -DHi
because: like that, in that manner; because (consequence) yalagiirrma
become burranba-y
become: be, become (get); going to (do something); goes to (leads) gi-gi
bed: prepare a bed; spread dhiyaagarra-li
bed: put someone to bed dhanduwiyma-li
bedroll: blanket; bedroll dhiyaagarri
bee droppings; Coorigel guligal
bee-eater: rainbow bee-eater birrubirruu
bee; honey warangana
bee: native bee guni
bee: queen native bee guniinii
bee: worker bee; bee's nest; honey warrul
bee's nest: worker bee; bee's nest; honey warrul
bee's wax, wax spout mayaarr
beefwood tree mabu
beer: piss, urine; beer giil
beetle: type of beetle ganangganaa
before dawn: dark muran
before, yesterday -ayla-y
before: hold on, not yet; before gamilu, waalu
beg: ask; beg dhaya-li
begin burra-li
beginning yilaambiyal
behind, back ngaya
belah tree swamp murrgugal
belah wood sparks murrguwidjuwii
belah: spear; swamp oak, belah tree bilaarr
belah: swamp oak, belah tree murrgu
bellbird: crested bellbird banbandhuluwi
belly: stomach, belly, guts mubal
bellybutton: navel, bellybutton bigal, wirrigaal
belonging to: movement to; purpose; belonging to; for -gu
below: underneath, below ganhaga
belt: man's belt wayuwaal
belt: string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
belt: woman's possum-fur belt wangal
bench: log bridge; stool, bench gulaay
bend down, stoop; lean over dhuli-y
bend: river bend wabu
bendy stick; stock whip wulbul
bendy: flexible, bendy wulbuwulbu
bent over; arched, bowed dhuli
bent: crooked, bent warawara, wayawaya
berry: small berry yawurr
best; champion gandjarra
betrothal of babies baanmal
better gababala
better: fix, heal, make better maaruma-li, maayuma-li
bettong: kangaroo rat milaya
between: crack between teeth; bite off; chop baaya-li
biceps buba
bicycle badjigal
big -bidi
big club: fighting club, big club bugu
big mob: crowd, big mob dharaa
big tree maalaabidi
big, much burrul
big: prominent -wan
bigamist dharraawaa
bigger: make bigger, spread out waluwarr bunma-li
billycan biligiyaan
bimble box tree bibil
bird trap dhiilgulay, murragal
bird-trapping place Dhiilgulaybaa
bird; feathered tribe dhigayaa
bird: Australasian grebe, dive dhiinbin
bird: blue bonnet bulaybulay
bird: crane garraagaa
bird: dollar bird dhanibanban
bird: Jacky Winter dhunidjuni
bird: mistletoe bird baandjil
bird: noisy friar bird dhaguway
bird: soldier bird, miner bird dhiidjiinbawaa
bird: starling; unknown bird dhurrubuu
bird: swift biirruun
bird: twelve apostle bird gidjarray
bird: wood duck (nickname); water bird gunambaay
bird: yellow tit, weebill mindjarru
bird's topknot dhigun
birds: feather, down yadhaarr
Birrah: whitewood tree; Birrah birraa
birth spirit wadhaagudjaaylwan
birthing tree; Coocoran Lake Gugurruwan
birthplace spirit ngarrama
birthplace, family land ngurrambaa
biscuit bidjiirr
biscuit: cake, biscuit guwiirr widja
bite yii-li
bite off: crack between teeth; bite off; chop baaya-li
bitter: heart; gall bladder; bitter; blueberry (common name) gii
bitter: sandalwood tree, budda tree; bitter, sour badha
black ant dhuwiyuwiy
black bream banngala
black duck budhanbaa
black eye mil buluuy
black kite manggarraan
black orchid garrii
black paint buuwan
black snake ngurray, wuyubuluuy
black snake: red-bellied black snake galibaay
black soil banuwa
black stripe; melon bilum
black wattle dhulan
black-breasted kite wugamaabaydaa
black-faced cuckoo-shrike: orphan (motherless child); black-faced cuckoo-shrike; Gunnedah gunidjaa
black-faced woodswallow; puffed out; boastful, bragging biiwanbiiwan
black-fronted plover bilidjuu
black-headed monitor galgarriirr
black-tailed native hen; Bangate baan.giirr
black-tailed native-hen gulguwi
black-winged stilt buyuwaalwaal
black: ant (any, black); shrimp giidjaa
black: great black cormorant wungayawaa, wurungayawaa
black: night; black; dark buluuy
blackened, smoked dhuumuyu
bladder: heart; gall bladder; bitter; blueberry (common name) gii
blanket bulanggiin
blanket; bedroll dhiyaagarri
blaze wula-li
blazing wulan
blind; blunt muga
blister galan
block: break; block (deflect) gama-li
blocked: full, blocked; blunt muurr
bloke: fellow, fella, bloke ngaamba
blood guway
blood: heavy blood group guwaymadhan
blood: light blood group guwaygaliyarr
bloodshot eye mil guway
bloodwood: western bloodwood gawuwildhaa
blow buuli-y
blow; smoke tobacco buubi-li
blowfly: maggot; blowfly gamugamuu
blue bonnet (bird) bulaybulay
blue crane: white-faced heron, blue crane budhuulgaa, buyudhurrungiili
blue crowfoot dhawaarrii
Blue Knobby Buluuy Nhaaybil
blue-tongue lizard wubun
blueberry buubiyala
blueberry: heart; gall bladder; bitter; blueberry (common name) gii
blunt mugu
blunt; tasteless, unsweetened nhunduu
blunt: blind; blunt muga
blunt: full, blocked; blunt muurr
board buwaarr
boastful: black-faced woodswallow; puffed out; boastful, bragging biiwanbiiwan
bobby fish: fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
body hair; pubic hair budhi
body-snatching spirit wiiwiimal
body, self burrbiyaan
body, spirit (human), self dhubayn
body: lean meat; body; Bunna; cannibal bana
Boggabilla Bagaybila
Boggabri Bagaybaraay
boggy ground; boggy gunadha
Boggy Ridge: white pipeclay; Boggy Ridge bagi
bogong moth grub birrga, yuluumaarraa
boil; swelling; pus; soft, weak mula
Bokhara River Bugayirra
bold, cheeky dhigadhiga
Bollonbillion Baluunbilyan
bone marrow giindjuu
bone needle nhingal
bone: nose bone/shell muyu waa
bone: poison bone guuyarra
bone: poison stick, poison bone bugiyaa, gadhiigurrii
bony bream biirrnga
Boobera Lagoon or MacIntyre River Gawubuwan Gunigal
boobook owl guurrguurr
boomerang maker barran.giiba
boomerang; Burren Junction barran
boomerang: comeback boomerang gulagarranba
boomerang: fighting boomerang bubarraa, dhinbay
boomerang: yamstick; ceremonial boomerang dhiinbaay
Boomi Bumaay
Boorooma: dog; Boorooma buruma
boot, shoe manduwii, nhangana
bora ground buurrabang
bora ground: initiation ceremony, bora; bora ground, initiation ground buurra
bora message stick dhulu buurra
bora messenger wuumaa
bora spirit; bullroarer; brother-in-law gayandaay
bora-ground spirit nhaagal
born: give birth; lay egg; be born gaanga-y
boss shell dhuurranmay waa
boss, master maadha
boss: leader, chief, boss dhuurranmay
bottle baadhal
bottom bandji
bottom, bum gumbul, murru
bottom: fork; bottom, bum (restricted word) mala
bough shed, shade house buuwayamba
bowed: bent over; arched, bowed dhuli
bower nhanu
bowerbird: spotted bowerbird wiidhaa
box: bimble box tree bibil
box: swamp box guburruu
boy at initiation buurrabiyaay
boy at puberty yarraybiyaay
boy; son birray
boy: orphan (fatherless boy) yumbuy
boys: Orion's belt (stars); boys birraybirraay
bragging: black-faced woodswallow; puffed out; boastful, bragging biiwanbiiwan
brain gumbirri
brain: egg; brain; insect gawu
branch gugul
branch: arm; wing; branch bungun
branch: thigh, leg; creek; tree branch dharra
branch: tree branch game wulbuldaan
branch: tree; stick; branch muyaan
bread gundal, widja
bread; food, tucker mandha
bread; vegetable food dhuwarr
bread: unleavened bread mandhamandha
break gama-y
break wind: fart, break wind buuba-li
break; block (deflect) gama-li
bream: black bream banngala
bream: bony bream biirrnga
bream: silver bream, sooty grunter gambaal
breast; breastmilk ngamu
breastplate wambin
breastplate: chest protector, breastplate wirrgun
breath buliirral
breath: short of breath buliirral ganaay
breath: spirit breath yawi buliirral
breathe buliirra-li
Breeza: flea; Breeza biridja
Brewarrina Burriiwarranha
bridge: log bridge; stool, bench gulaay
bridle burraaydal
bridled nail-tail wallaby mararra, mayarra
Brigalow Station Burrigala
brigalow wattle burrii
brigalow wattle; location barranbaa
bring back, take back gaaguwi-y
bring up: build, put up; stand up; send; raise warrayma-li
bring up: raise burrul burranba-li
bring: take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
broad shield: shield, broad shield; cover; shame burriin
broken-hearted yuwaarran
brolga, native companion burraalga
bronzewing pigeon dhamarr
brood comb dhiinaa
broom, brush biimbal
broombush biibaya
brother galduman
brother-in-law: bora spirit; bullroarer; brother-in-law gayandaay
brother; cousin dhagaan
brother: father; uncle (father's brother) yugin
brother: father; wife's mother's brother baayna
brother: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
brother: older brother dhaya
brother: younger brother galumaay
brown and yellow snake; Babarra babarra
brown falcon biyaagaarr
brown snake warrala
brown snake: king brown snake; snake ngandabaa
brown treecreeper bibi
brown; dirty, disgusting gunagunaa
brownie (cake) mundimundi dhuwarr
brush (with leaves) buudhi-rri
brush turkey wagun, wirrilaa
brush: broom, brush biimbal
brushtail possum mudhay
bubble, froth; frog eggs; Gingie giin.gii
bucket base: base; bucket base buu
bucket: barrel, bucket baril
bucket: trough; bucket walban
budda pea gayga
budda tree: sandalwood tree, budda tree; bitter, sour badha
budgerigar; star (a particular star) gidjirrigaa
bug: river bug babarrngaan
Bugaldie Bagaldii
build, put up; stand up; send; raise (bring up) warrayma-li
Bukkulla: leopardwood tree; Bukkulla bagala
bullfrog warrungan
bullock bula
bullock: cattle, bullock giyarral
bullroarer; dragonfly garrarana
bullroarer: bora spirit; bullroarer; brother-in-law gayandaay
bullroarer: dragonfly; bullroarer; Mirramanar Station murrumanamanaa
bulrush (cumbungi) burrarra
bum: bottom, bum gumbul, murru
bumpy: rough, bumpy; knotty madhamadha
bunch mandjaarr
Bundarra Bandaarra
Bunna: lean meat; body; Bunna; cannibal bana
bunnary tree: rosewood, bunnary tree bunbarr
buoyant: cork; floating, buoyant nganangana
burial bark; coffin nhiirruu
burial ground, cemetery dhanmurr, dhawunma
buried: be buried nhamurra-y
burn (with a lot of flame) gundaawa-li, gundaawa-y
burn; be hot; burn with pain; cook gudhuwa-y
burn; cook gayla-y
burr: goat-head burr gulimugarr
burr: marthaguy burr mugaadhaa
Burren Junction: boomerang; Burren Junction barran
burrowing frog galgalbanaa
burst: crack; split; burst baarra-y
burst: split; burst, bust; crack baarray-rri
burying: leaves used for burying yilbin
bush wadhi
bush rat dhunmidjirr
bush thick-knee: curlew, bush thick-knee gurabi, wuruyan, wuuyan
bush, scrub; seed yurrul
bush: curlew, bush thick-knee gurabi, wuruyan, wuuyan
bush: currant bush, warrior bush gubigala, wayaarra
bush: dillon bush bibu, mugiyala
bush: emu bush ngawil
bush: hop bush; ripe; cooked yiilay
bush: medicine bush (fuschia) ngarran
bush: mimosa bush mawurr
bush: myrtle, turkey bush burrgulbiyan
bush: punty bush bandi
bush: turpentine bush muruwaa
bush: umbrella bush midjirr
bush: velvet potato bush dhiiburruu
bust: split; burst, bust; crack baarray-rri
bustard: plains turkey, Australian bustard gumbulgaban
bustard: plains turkey, bustard barawaa
butcherbird guluu
butcherbird: grey butcherbird garriguwin.guwin, guwaaydjiidjii
butcherbird: pied butcherbird buubuurrbu
butt: tree butt, tree trunk; tree root; end warran
butterfly balabalaa
Byame, God; Byamee Baayami
Byame: Creator Burrulaa
Byame: son of Byame Gindhayndaamuwi
Byame's wife Birrangulu, Ganhanbili
cabbage gabirr
cactus bindamula
cake, biscuit guwiirr widja
cake: brownie mundimundi dhuwarr
cake: seed cake dharrii
calf of leg wuruga
calf of leg: lower leg, calf of leg, shin buyu
call out to gadha-li
call, shout (at), yell (at), sing out gaga-li
calm: quieten, soothe, calm, settle down binaal bunma-li
calm: smooth off; scrape; calm gaynma-li
calm: smooth; calm gayn.gayn
camel melon ngayuun
camp area: clear area, camp area maraay
camp; humpy; nest, walaay
camp; nest gaarrimay
camp: bachelor's camp wiidhaga
camp: bad-weather camp dhirrinbaa
camp: heaven, sky camp; place far away balima
camp: sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
camp: stay; sleep; camp baabi-li
camp: Swamp Camp Murrgu Walaay
camp: tabooed woman's camp gayalaay
camp: woman's camp gurruga baabay
can: tin can giyaan
can: tin mug, mug; can gaala
can't, couldn't gamila, waala
cane grass; Wilkie wilgi
cannibal: lean meat; body; Bunna; cannibal bana
canoe ganuu
canoe: bark canoe bunduurraa
canoe: bark hut; tin canoe dhaadharr
canoe: tree bark; tin; canoe nganda
Canopus (star) Wamba
car spring gadjul
car; cart; whirlwind spirit wilbaarr
carbeen gaabiin
carbeen flowers gagilaarriin
care for galuma-li
carefully: well, carefully maaru, maayu
carelessly: badly, carelessly, not right gamil maaru, waal maayu
carpenter's plane gaynda
carpet python yabaa
carrot: native carrot dhalayndjaa
carry wamba-li
carry: take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
cart: car; cart; whirlwind spirit wilbaarr
carve: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
carve: write; carve mubirr dhu-rri
carving: initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
cat: native cat, quoll bagandi
catch fish: fish, catch fish; catch with instrument yinabi-li
catch; hold bayama-li, ganma-li
caterpillar, grub gararrngan
caterpillar: hairy caterpillar; furry tribe
catfish gaygay
catfish: mud catfish waay
cattle race: Adam's apple, throat; passage, cattle race wun.guwi
cattle, bullock giyarral
caught: be caught bayama-y
cause -bama-li
cause (a change) bunma-li, burranba-li
cave wadhu
cave: hole; cave; grave biyuu
cease: stop, cease doing garri-y
celebrate yuga-li
celebrate: rejoice, celebrate marra gi-gi
cemetery: burial ground, cemetery dhanmurr, dhawunma
centipede giiyan
ceremonial boomerang: yamstick; ceremonial boomerang dhiinbaay
ceremonial log ginilgarriya
ceremonial smoke; smoke wuyugil
ceremonial stick wilgu
ceremony: initiation ceremony, bora; bora ground, initiation ground buurra
chain lightning: lightning, chain lightning dhun.gayrra
champion: best; champion gandjarra
change: cause a change bunma-li, burranba-li
channel-billed cuckoo dhuwaanbay
charcoal nhii
chase away: hunt away, chase away yuwaba-y
chase, follow, drive gawaa-y
chasings, tip gubiyalanhay
chastise nhuyu-gi
cheek; jaw, jawbone dhaal
cheeky gadhaa
cheeky: bold, cheeky dhigadhiga
cheeky!: tongue; finished!; cheeky! dhalay
cherry: drooping currant, native cherry mirrii
chest bii, biri, ngubi
chest protector, breastplate wirrgun
chest: puff out chest biiwanma-li
chest: shell; shell chest pendant waa
chew; sip nguuguuba-li
chick: emu chick barrgay
chick: emu chick (striped) bagabaga
chicken baawul, djigin
chief: leader, chief, boss dhuurranmay
child gaayli
child (last) buudhan
child; baby birralii
child; small, little gaaynmara
child: grandchild (son's child) nganawayngaa
child: grandchild, son's or daughter's child nhanuwaaydji
child: orphan (motherless child) biiwan
child: small, little; child gaay
child: spoilt child, cry-baby yungiirr
childless woman marayrrdhuul
children's game dhurran.gali
Children's python dhayaaminyaa
chin ngagan
Chinese man dhaliman, mil binggarr
chip wiyay
choke: be cut; choke garra-y
chop: crack between teeth; bite off; chop baaya-li
chopping noise: echo, chopping noise ban.gul
chough wuuyuu
chough; red-eyed spirit wiiyuu
cicada: small locust, cicada ngininnginin
cicatrices: initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
cigarette buubili, mugu
circumstance: from; because of; circumstance -DHi
clamorous reed warbler dhuwigalinmal
claw mark: nail, fingernail, toenail; claw; scratch yulu
claw: crayfish claw muraabi
claypan walanbarruu
clean giliin
clear yirrgayn
clear alcohol: white; clear alcohol balaa
clear alcohol: white; clear alcohol; methylated spirits banggabaa
clear area, camp area maraay
clever man: Aboriginal doctor, clever man wiringin
clever man's bag; spirit holder bundurr
clever man's spirit; person's spirit malimali
clever man's stick birru, wii muyaan
clever, wise burrul bina
clever: fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
clever: teacher of the law; clever, intelligent binangarrangarra
climb; rise (sun/moon) galiya-y
climbing: name (climbing this way) Dhaay Galiyawaay
clipped: cut, mown, clipped; shaved garragarraa
cloak: fur cloak garru
clock, watch yaayngarralgaa
close to a fire, around a fire guwiinbarraan
close, near guwiin, guwiinbaa, milan
close: there (close) marrama
clothes bayagaa
clothes; cloth baya
clothes: remove, take out; take off clothes dhuwima-li
cloud baama, gundaa, yuru
cloud: thunder cloud dharringarra
clover galuuba
club bundi
club (throwing stick); bark throwing stick wagarraa
club: fighting club, big club bugu
club: game with toy club garril budhal
club: pointed club murrula
club: small club gudhurru
club: toy club (waddy) budhal
coat guudii
cockatiel, quarrian wiraarr, wiyaarr
cockatoo (possibly corella) ngaanbanaa
cockatoo: pink cockatoo, Major Mitchell cockatoo gagalarrin
cockatoo: red-tailed black cockatoo biliirr
cockatoo: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo muraay
cockatoo: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo; pointers of Southern Cross muyaay
cod: Murray cod; fish guduu
coffee gabi
coffin: burial bark; coffin nhiirruu
Coghill: bad, no good; Coghill gagil
coins: stone; coin money yarral
cold, cough gunhugunhu
Collarenebri Galariinbaraay
collect, gather guuma-li
colon (descending) murrundunmali
colon: crayfish colon gindjulmaan
colour: grey colour or shape guwin
coloured: many coloured gagan.gagan
comb baadal
comb (hair) baada-li
comb: brood comb dhiinaa
come back, go back, return dharrawuluwi-y
come back, return dharrawu-li, dhurraluwi-y
come near guwiinba-li
come out, emerge gilgulba-rri
come out: make come out dhurraaba-li
come; rise (sun/moon); grow dhurra-li
come: go, come, walk naa-y, yana-y, yanaa-y
comeback boomerang gulagarranba
command suffix -la, -na, -nga, -ya
common ant ganal
companion: brolga, native companion burraalga
Condamine River Gundhimayan
consequence: like that, in that manner; because yalagiirrma
constipated: tight, stuck tight; constipated garran.garraan
construct: do; make gimbi-li, gimubi-li
construct: make dhurra-li
consume all (of the food or drink) gurra-li
container: bark container gumbilgal
continuing: still mayabuu
contradict gana garranba-li
contrast -bala
converse (talk to each other) guwaala-y
Coocoran Lake: birthing tree; Coocoran Lake Gugurruwan
cook in a hole (roast) dhawuma-li
cook: burn; be hot; burn with pain; cook gudhuwa-y
cook: burn; cook gayla-y
cooked: hop bush; ripe; cooked yiilay
coolabah flowers galariin
coolabah tree gulabaa
coolabah tree grub burrunggal
coolabah tree gum giyiirr
coolamon bin.guwi
coolamon; dish guliman
coolamon: small coolamon; plate wirri
cooler, fridge balanhii
Coonabarabran Gunabarabin
Coonamble Gunambil
Coorigel: bee droppings; Coorigel guligal
copied: same, copied yaluuyaluu
cord: umbilical cord ngalirr
corella: cockatoo (possibly corella) ngaanbanaa
corella: little corella gadharra
cork; floating, buoyant nganangana
cormorant: great black cormorant wungayawaa, wurungayawaa
cormorant: little pied cormorant birribangga
corner burrumbi
corner post giniybaal
correctly: good, well; all right, correctly; well (healthy) gaba
corroboree ground gumbu
corroboree leader murraan.gali
corroboree; play yuurrma-y
corroboree: dance (make a corroboree) dhan.gurrama-y
corroboree: stranger to corroboree muuwi
cottonbush bagiluu
cough: cold, cough gunhugunhu
couldn't: can't, couldn't gamila, waala
counsellor: messenger; priest; counsellor dhayndalmuu
country: holey country gurrumayuu
country: home, home country walaaybaa
country: kurrajong-country people Nhunggabarra
country: lignum country people Mirriyaabarra
country: orchid country people Garriibarra
country: plain, open (treeless) country wagibaa
country: plain, open (treeless) country; Richard's pipit wagiwagi
cousin: brother; cousin dhagaan
cover (self), be covered buluba-y
cover up yuurraa-li
cover up: wrap up; cover up marramba-li
cover: shield, broad shield; cover; shame burriin
covered with, with a lot of -bil
cow horn nhalganhalga
cow: milk a cow ngamuma-li, nhuunma-li
cow's paper gut biibii
Cowal: creek; lagoon; Cowal gaawal
Cowelba Gaawalbaa
crack between teeth; bite off; chop baaya-li
crack, gap; Gurah garra
crack; split; burst baarra-y
crack: split; burst, bust; crack baarray-rri
cracker on a whip wulbul yiya
cracks: skin cracks yaydja
cradle wurranin
crane (bird) garraagaa
crane: white-faced heron, blue crane budhuulgaa, buyudhurrungiili
cranky, shitty gana garraa
cranky: cry-baby; cranky yumbu
crawl dhuu-rri
crawler dhiidjalaa
crayfish giirray,
crayfish claw muraabi
crayfish colon gindjulmaan
crazy: mad, crazy; stupid, silly; eccentric wamba
creation spirit; waterhole at Gingie Gali Gurunha
Creator (Byame) Burrulaa
creek name Mangalaalaa
creek; lagoon; Cowal gaawal
creek: river; creek bagay
creek: thigh, leg; creek; tree branch dharra
creek: thigh; gully, creek mabun
creek: Timbumburi Creek Dhimbambaraay
creek: waterhole, creek mayan
creep: sneak, creep dhila-y
crested bellbird banbandhuluwi
crippled: lame, crippled dhan.gurr
crocodile Garriya
crooked wiyal
crooked, bent warawara, wayawaya
crop: echidna crop wumbala
crosswise, across; non-marriageable (woman) nganbirr
crow, Australian raven waan
crow, raven waaruu
crow: little crow waagaan, waagiyan
crowd, big mob dharaa
crowfoot maayal
crowfoot: blue crowfoot dhawaarrii
crucifix frog bulga
cry-baby; cranky yumbu
cry-baby: spoilt child, cry-baby yungiirr
cry, weep yu-gi
cry: make cry yubama-li
cuckoo-shrike: orphan (motherless child); black-faced cuckoo-shrike; Gunnedah gunidjaa
cuddle: embrace, hold, cuddle gulagama-li
cumbungi: bulrush burrarra
curlew milbay
curlew, bush thick-knee gurabi, wuruyan, wuuyan
currant bush, warrior bush gubigala, wayaarra
Currawillinghi Garrawilingaay
currawong galalu
current: water current yarrin
cut, mown, clipped; shaved garragarraa
cut: be cut; choke garra-y
cutlery: fork in tree; fork gula
cypress: white cypress pine gurraay, gurraari
daddy biila
damper dhaamba
dance (make a corroboree) dhan.gurrama-y
dance: play; dance; gamble yulu-gi
dark (before dawn) muran
dark: night; black; dark buluuy
Darling lily dhaygalbaarrayn
Darling pea; location gilaan.garra
darter, long-necked shag ganandhaal, gunambaal
dative: in, at, on; to -Ga
daughter ngamurr
daughter-in-law girrinya
daughter: girl; daughter miyay
daughter: grandchild, son's or daughter's child nhanuwaaydji
daughter: niece (sister's daughter) gunugayngaa
daughter's son: grandfather (mother's father); grandson (daughter's son) dhaadhaa
dawn ngarran
dawn: dark before dawn muran
day, daytime yaraadha
daylight dhuniya
dead balu
dead person's things buwarrgaa
dead relative guuguu
dead wood giniy waal
dead: kill stone dead nhuwigu buma-li
death adder mundharr, murrubi
debris: dirt; sawdust djulu
deceive dhanggima-li
deceive, trick dhanggiwa-li
decoy: emu decoy buubuwin
deep: river; deep water gaawaa
deep: very deep gurrugurru
defecate, shit guna-gi
deflect: break; block gama-li
dew gugil
diamond dove gubadhu
diarrhoea bandibandi
diarrhoea; snail slime/track gindjul
die; go out (fire) balu-gi
dig; scratch mawu-gi
digging stick: yamstick, digging stick ganay
dillon bush bibu, mugiyala
dingo maayn, marayn
dip, scoop dhiyarra-li
directly: soon, directly; recently yilaa
dirge, funeral song guunay
Dirranbandi Dhurrunbandaay
dirt (debris); sawdust djulu
dirt: earth, ground, dirt dhawun
dirt: earth, ground, dirt; home dhaymaarr
dirt: eye dirt (sleep) dhala
dirty: brown; dirty, disgusting gunagunaa
disappear dhaarri-y
discs: game with discs and spears; bark discs wanggalay
disease: venereal disease dharrgadharrga
disguised: covered, disguised dhan.galan.gaa
disgusting: brown; dirty, disgusting gunagunaa
dish: coolamon; dish guliman
dish: tin dish dhindiirr
dive: bathe, paddle; dive, duck under wunga-y
diver: Australasian grebe, diver (bird) dhiinbin
do with: doer to; do with -Gu
do; make (construct) gimbi-li, gimubi-li
do: really do giirruuma-li
dobber: tattletale, dobber dhubayan
doctor: Aboriginal doctor, clever man wiringin
doer to; do with -Gu
dog bark waalwaal
dog; Boorooma buruma
dog: spirit dog Mirriwuula
dogwood flowers yuuliin
dogwood, eurah yuurraa
dollar bird dhanibanban
don't know -Waayaa
don't know where at minyaayawaayaa
don't know where to minyaarruwaayaa
don't, stop garriya
don't: no, not; didn't, don't, won't gamil, waal
dotterel: red-kneed dotterel dhibi
dough: sweet dough nhaamanhi
dove: diamond dove gubadhu
dove: peaceful dove gurugun
down, down there; under; west (sundown) ngadaa
down: feather, down yadhaarr
down: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
down: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
down: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
down: swoop down wuuli-y
downstream ngadaamali
downwards ngadaali
drag: shift, drag dhuurrma-li
dragon: bearded dragon, frilled lizard balawagarr, dhalagal, dharri, wuulaa
dragonfly; bullroarer; Mirramanar Station murrumanamanaa
dragonfly: bullroarer; dragonfly garrarana
drawing stick dhumbaay
dreamtime: time of creation, dreamtime burruguu
dress someone wuuma-li
dress: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
dribble; slime wiiluun
Drilldool Dhariilduul
drink: consume all (of the food or drink) gurra-li
drink: honey drink galindjari
drink: soft drink guwiirr gungan
drip: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
drip: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
drive budhu-li
drive: chase, follow, drive gawaa-y
drive: run; flow (water); drive banaga-y
drooping currant, native cherry mirrii
droppings: bee droppings; Coorigel guligal
drops: water drops dhulirral
drought garran.garra
drunk: staggering drunk dharraadhaandhaan
dry, empty, bare; thirsty; Pallal balal
dry: spread out to dry guwima-li
dtella: gecko, tree dtella wiibidi
duck (in water) muyuwa-li
duck under: bathe, paddle; dive, duck under wunga-y
duck: Australasian shoveler duck; whistling duck dhibayuu
duck: black duck budhanbaa
duck: grey teal duck buuway
duck: musk duck bagabagaali, birraala
duck: pink-eared duck wilidhubaay, wiligabuul
duck: whistling duck wululuu
duck: wood duck barrgabarrga
duck: wood duck (nickname); water bird gunambaay
duckweed bunibuni
dumb (speechless) dhalaydhalibaa
Dungalear Dhanggaliirr
dusk barrgin
dust yuu
dust storm burran
dweller in: inhabitants of, dweller in -gayaluu
each other (reciprocal suffix) -dha-y, -la-y
eagle: ancestral eagle man Maliyangarr
eagle: wedge-tailed eagle; long-necked turtle; policeman maliyan
eagle: white-bellied sea eagle guwinyarri
eaglehawk wandhala
early morning giibaabu
earth, ground, dirt dhawun
earth, ground, dirt; home dhaymaarr
earth: mother earth gunimaa
earthquake; echo burruwi
earthworm dhuyugarral
ease up: rest, spell, ease up buruwi-y, buuwi-y
east wind gunyamurr
east: up, high; east ngarribaa
eat dha-li
eating -dha-y
eccentric: mad, crazy; stupid, silly; eccentric wamba
echidna crop wumbala
echidna quill wirayl
echidna quill; pen, pencil wiyayl
echidna: male echidna; echidna ant sack; ant nest gadhuu
echidna: porcupine, echidna bigibila
echidna: porcupine, echidna; Murrawal marrawal
echidna: young echidna nhimaylii
echo wawal
echo, chopping noise ban.gul
echo: earthquake; echo burruwi
eclipse of sun yaraay warra-y
edge: river's edge; edge miimii
egg yolk gawubaa
egg; brain; insect gawu
eggs: bubble, froth; frog eggs; Gingie giin.gii
eggs: net bag; fish net; goanna eggs gulay
egret: great egret; Ballone (place and river) baluun
eight galay
either ... or: must, might; either ... or -Yaa
elder: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
elder: senior lady (respected elder) yinarraa
electricity gayrra
embrace, hold, cuddle gulagama-li
emerge: come out, emerge gilgulba-rri
empty: dry, empty, bare; thirsty; Pallal balal
emu apple tree, gruie guri, guwi
emu bush ngawil
emu chick barrgay
emu chick (striped) bagabaga
emu decoy buubuwin
emu feather gundiirr
emu net mirrun
emu pair bulawaa
emu spear munun
emu tail bubudhala
emu: one male emu; bachelor ganduwi
emu: sitting emu ngurran.gali
emu: spirit emu gawarrgay
emus: five or six emus gayaangay
emus: four emus wugalwugal
emus: fourteen or fifteen emus ganurran
emus: group of emus gambadhuul
enclosure: yard, enclosure ngunmal
end: tree butt, tree trunk; tree root; end warran
enemies: mythological warrior enemies guuwiyaay
engraving: initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
enough! biyay
enough!: that's enough! giirrnga
entrance: mouth; opening, entrance ngaay
eurah: dogwood, eurah yuurraa
evening bululuwi
everything, all gurrugurru
everything: all; whole; everything ganungawu
evil spirit giniirr
exhausted: very tired, exhausted yarrbun
expression of praise waa
expression of surprise nhaan
extinguish: put out baluburra-li, baluwa-li
eye mil
eye dirt (sleep) dhala
eye: black eye mil buluuy
eye: bloodshot eye mil guway
eye: swollen eye mil warra
eyebrow dhinmirr, ngiirr
eyelash ngudjiin
face; forehead; point; surface ngulu
faeces, shit guna
fairy martin bidjaaymamal
falcon: brown falcon biyaagaarr
false: lie; pretend, false yaal
family dhiiyaan
family land: birthplace, family land ngurrambaa
family member: possessor -dhi
far side mulandha
fart burray
fart, break wind buuba-li
fast, quickly barraay
fat wamu
father-in-law ngarrawidhalba
father-in-law; son-in-law bambuy
father-in-law: uncle (mother's brother); father-in-law garruu
father; mother's sister's husband biiyalaa
father; wife's mother's brother baayna
father's brother: father; uncle yugin
father's father: grandfather; great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
father's mother maamaa
father's mother: grandmother mamaay, ngaagii
father's mother: mother-in-law (wife's mother); son-in-law (woman's daughter's husband); grandmother garrimaay
father's sister ngama
father's sister; mother's brother's wife; mother's mother's brother's daughter baaman
father's sister: aunt gamiyan, giluu
father's sister: mother-in-law (husband's mother); aunt (any), aunt (man's father's sister) walgan
fatherless boy: orphan yumbuy
fatherless child: orphan gawun
feather wirriil
feather, down (of birds) yadhaarr
feather: emu feather gundiirr
feathered stick maadji
feathered tribe: bird; feathered tribe dhigayaa
feeding: parrot feeding gaadhal
feel sick, be sick dhaala-gi
feel sorry for someone, pity someone ngarraga-li
feel, touch dhama-li
fellow, fella, bloke ngaamba
female: mother; aunt (mother's sister); female gunidjarr
female: old woman; lactating female maamii
fence: fish trap; fence badi
fetch: take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
few; some gulbirr
fierce snake wularr
fight bumala-y
fight: pretend fight yaambuwiirr
fighting boomerang bubarraa, dhinbay
fighting club, big club bugu
filament: thread, filament; split barra
fin: fish fin
finch: zebra finch bilumbilum
find: go hunting; hunt; find, look for maniila-y
find: search for, look for; find ngaawa-y
fine rain: funeral smoke; fine rain dhuubaarr
finger: hand; finger mara
finger: hand; finger; five; totem maa
finger: old man; first finger; old; grey dhiriya
fingernail yulumara
fingernail: nail, fingernail, toenail; claw; scratch (claw mark) yulu
fingers; toes bambugal
finished!: tongue; finished!; cheeky! dhalay
fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
fire: close to a fire, around a fire guwiinbarraan
fire: make a fire, light a fire wii wiima-li
fire: sacred fire yanguuwii
fire: smoke; fire dhuu
fire/lamp: light fire/lamp wulanabi-li
firestick yiyabiyaay
firestick; hot wiibiyaay
firestick: flame; light; firestick dhuuyaay
first waanda
first again milanburr
first finger: old man; first finger; old; grey dhiriya
fish fin
fish intestines wirraa
fish net dhaaliyaay
fish net: net bag; fish net; goanna eggs gulay
fish trap; fence badi
fish, catch fish; catch with instrument yinabi-li
fish: fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
fish: flat-headed gudgeon nguluumanbuu
fish: Murray cod; fish guduu
fish: perch (unidentified) baraa
fish: spangled grunter babi
fish: type of fish ngandan
fishing line yalaayn
fishing line: string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
fishing spear dhindi
five or six emus gayaangay
five: hand; finger; five; totem maa
fix, heal, make better maaruma-li, maayuma-li
flaking bark dharraa
flame; light dhuuraay
flame; light; firestick dhuuyaay
flame: burn (with a lot of flame) gundaawa-li, gundaawa-y
flap: hop; jump; stamp; flap baa-y
flash dhirra
flash, showy dhirradhirra
flash: very flash dhirrabuu
flat manbu
flat-headed gudgeon (a fish) nguluumanbuu
flat: plain, flat guniyal
flat: wide; flat
flea bulii
flea; Breeza biridja
flexible, bendy wulbuwulbu
flinty (very hard) gumba
float (self); swim on surface dhangga-y
floating: cork; floating, buoyant nganangana
flock bronzewing galimaramara
flood wugawa
flood peak wugi
flour bulaawa
flow: run; flow (water); drive banaga-y
flower gurayn, guyayn
flower of, fruit of -biyan
flowering lignum, lignum fuchsia barrgay
flowers: carbeen flowers gagilaarriin
flowers: coolabah flowers galariin
flowers: dogwood flowers yuuliin
flowers: gidgee flowers babarrabiin
flowers: leopardwood flowers baalaraan
flowers: native orange tree flowers bambulngiyan
flowers: river gum flowers yarraanbiin
flowers: river wattle flowers gurrulayngayn
flowers: whitewood flowers birraawiin
fluid: milky fluid balam
fly around, fly in circle baragi-y
fly-blown gamugamuubiyaay
fly-catcher lizard buumayamayal
fly: horse fly baanduu
fly: house fly banhaayal
fly: policeman fly gugun.gugun
flycatcher: restless flycatcher garaayaa
flying fox (made of rope/wire) galgandi
flying fox: fruit bat, flying fox bibaaya
foetus: seed; foetus dhinggal
fog, mist guwa
fold, roll up nguwa-li
folded, wrapped nguwan.nguwan
follow yala-y
follow: chase, follow, drive gawaa-y
fond: very fond nhiiyanhiiya
food: bread; food, tucker mandha
food: bread; vegetable food dhuwarr
food: vegetable food; food yuul
foot; footprint baburr
foot; footprint, tracks; toe dhina
foot: hard foot (nickname for someone who is a good walker or roams around a lot) gumbadhina
footprint: foot; footprint baburr
for self -ali-y
for: movement to; purpose; belonging to; for -gu
forbidden: taboo, forbidden wanaal
force: hard (with force); loudly; very bamba
force: make buyawila-li
forehead: face; forehead; point; surface ngulu
foreigner: stranger, foreigner; strange, odd wiyaybaa
foreskin nyiinmaya
forgetful wudha muurr
fork in tree; fork (cutlery) gula
fork; bottom, bum (restricted word) mala
forked stick dharran
formerly gibaylandhi
foster parent gulumaldhaay
four emus wugalwugal
fourteen or fifteen emus ganurran
fox: fruit bat, flying fox bibaaya
fragment: splinter, piece, fragment bilgin
freak: monster, freak gayadharri
free maaydja
fresh; new yilaan.gaal
fridge: cooler, fridge balanhii
friend: old man, old friend mudhi
friendless: alone, friendless; unique mamaldhalibaa
frighten giiyanma-li
frightened: afraid, frightened garigari, giyal, gun.gun
frilled lizard: bearded dragon, frilled lizard balawagarr, dhalagal, dharri, wuulaa
frog eggs: bubble, froth; frog eggs; Gingie giin.gii
frog: any frog yurayaa, yuwayaa
frog: burrowing frog galgalbanaa
frog: crucifix frog bulga
frog: green tree frog ngayrrngayrr
frog: tree frog (one type) garrarr
frog: type of frog dharran
frogmouth: tawny frogmouth buluurr
from here ngiilay
from him/her ngurungundi, nguungundi
from me nganundi
from someone ngaanngundiyaa
from them (more than two people) ganungundi
from them (two people) gaalingundi
from us (more than two people) ngiyaningundi
from us (two people) ngalingundi
from who? ngaanngundi
from you (more than two people) nginaayngundi
from you (one person) nginundi
from you (two people) nginaalingundi
from; because of; circumstance -DHi
from: people from -barra
from: where from? minyaaya dhaay
front bani
front: in front biridji
frost; ice dhandarr
froth: bubble, froth; frog eggs; Gingie giin.gii
fruit bat, flying fox bibaaya
fruit: flower of, fruit of -biyan
fruit: rosewood fruit bunbarrayn
frying pan burraanban
fuchsia dhalandjaa
fuchsia: flowering lignum, lignum fuchsia barrgay
full ngaaybu
full of food, sated, satisfied yuularaay, yuuliyaay
full of food: be full of food garrabi-y, mubal muurra-y
full of water, wet galibaraay
full, blocked; blunt muurr
full, humped dhumbil
full: be full of food garrabi-y, mubal muurra-y
fully initiated man buurrbaa
fully initiated young man yiyalgidjaay
funeral smoke; fine rain dhuubaarr
funeral song: dirge, funeral song guunay
fungus: large oval fungus; little humpy wayway
fungus: plate fungus; plate bagal
fur cloak garru
fur, wool; hair dhurrun
furry tribe: hairy caterpillar; furry tribe
further on ngaangaarran
furthermore yiyaldu
fuschia: medicine bush ngarran
future tense suffix -gi, -li, -y
galah gilaa
gall bladder: heart; gall bladder; bitter; blueberry (common name) gii
gamble: play; dance; gamble yulu-gi
game with discs and spears; bark discs wanggalay
game with leaf and fire wiimbirru
game with toy club garril budhal
game: ball, ball game; testicles, balls burugalaa, buugalaa
game: children's game dhurran.gali
game: hide and seek game waaguu
game: jump into water game babaaluma-y
game: skipping game burrumbal
game: tree branch game wulbuldaan
game: wrestling game gumbubudhuu
Gamilaraay tribe; Gamilaraay language Gamilaraay
gammon, pretend yalbala
gammon: lie; pretend, gammon wagi
gap: crack, gap; Gurah garra
Garrawila Garrawila
gate post; hitching rail yaarrbin
gather: collect, gather guuma-li
gecko, tree dtella wiibidi
gecko: prickly gecko garragarraandi
generous: good-hearted, kind; generous gayliyaay
get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
get up: stand; stand up, get up; swell warra-y
ghost gaadhaay
ghost, spirit; white man wanda
gidgee flowers babarrabiin
gidgee; yellow ochre; yellow gidjiirr
gills: lip; gills yili
Gingie: bubble, froth; frog eggs; Gingie giin.gii
Gingie: creation spirit; waterhole at Gingie Gali Gurunha
girl; daughter miyay
girl: little girl mayrra
girl: little girl; Seven Sisters (stars), Pleiades (stars); mallee willow miyaymiyaay
girl: teenage girl (restricted word) malagan
Girrawheen Girrawiin
give wuu-rri
give a hiding badha-y
give birth; lay egg; be born gaanga-y
give food to gulunma-li
give-and-take paddock ngaambiyan
gliding possum bagu
glittering: shiny, reflective, glittering ngandanganda
glue: tree gum; glue dhani
glutton buyumadhuul
go back: come back, go back, return dharrawuluwi-y
go back: go home, go back yanaawuwi-y
go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
go down: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
go down: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
go home, go back yanaawuwi-y
go hunting; hunt; find, look for maniila-y
go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
go out: die; go out (fire) balu-gi
go to sleep yuwarra-y
go, come, walk naa-y, yana-y, yanaa-y
goanna eggs: net bag; fish net; goanna eggs gulay
goanna: sand goanna biiwii, dhulii
goanna: tree goanna guugaarr, mangun.gaali, yurrandaali
goat-head burr gulimugarr
gobbles: mistletoe, snotty gobbles baan
God: Byame, God; Byamee Baayami
goes to: be, become (get); going to (do something); goes to (leads) gi-gi
golden bandicoot barrawan
golden perch, yellowbelly dhagaay
golden wattle gulgulay
good at -DHaan
good hunter dhiidhaan
good job!: well done!, good job! giirr maayu
good mood gaba guuyay
good season ngulawaa
good-hearted, kind; generous gayliyaay
good-looking dhaylngulu, gaba ngulu
good, well; all right, correctly; well (healthy) gaba
good; well marrabaa
good: very good, tempting maayndjul
Goodooga Guduuga
Goolhi: river grass (native millet); grain; Goolhi guli
Goonoo Goonoo Gunu Gunu
Goonoo: lime gypsum; Goonoo gunu
goose: magpie goose dhawudjarrdalmu
gooseberry: native gooseberry bulabul
gradually badjinbal
grain: river grass (native millet); grain; Goolhi guli
grandchild (son's child) nganawayngaa
grandchild, son's or daughter's child nhanuwaaydji
granddaughter bawanngaa
grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
grandfather (mother's father); grandson (daughter's son) dhaadhaa
grandmother (father's mother) mamaay, ngaagii
grandmother (mother's mother) badhii
grandmother (mother's mother); mother's mother's brother waabi
grandmother (mother's mother); old woman baagii
grandmother: mother-in-law (wife's mother); son-in-law (woman's daughter's husband); grandmother (father's mother) garrimaay
grandmother: old woman; grandmother miimii
grandmother: sister; grandmother (mother's mother) gaadhii
grandson galimingaa
grandson (son's son) waaruu
grandson: grandfather (mother's father); grandson (daughter's son) dhaadhaa
grass seed dhunbarr
grass seed: sheaf of grass seed yaamarra
grass windbreak, grass hut ngana
grass: cane grass; Wilkie wilgi
grass: nut grass warringaay
grass: plains grass ganalay
grass: river grass (native millet); grain; Goolhi guli
grass: seed or grass necklace dhiiriil
grass: sheaf of grass seed yaamarra
grass: swamp grass yiindal
grasshopper bunbun
grasstree dhalan
grave: hole; cave; grave biyuu
grave: hole; grave; round gurru
gravy: juice, gravy; soup, sauce wirrun
great black cormorant wungayawaa, wurungayawaa
great egret; Ballone (place and river) baluun
great-uncle: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
grebe: Australasian grebe, diver (bird) dhiinbin
greedily: look at greedily gunmi-li
green tree frog ngayrrngayrr
green: raw; green (unripe) dhurrin
greenhead ant bayaarr, muwan
greetings: hello, greetings yaamagara
greetings: question word; hello, greetings yaama
grey colour or shape guwin
grey haired dhandarriyaay
grey kangaroo bandaarr
grey kangaroo: stinky; western grey kangaroo (nickname) nhuwiwan
grey kangaroo: western grey kangaroo wamburr
grey one dhuwadhuul
grey shrike-thrush dhan.galaadhil, dharruwii
grey snake ngabi, nhiibi
grey teal duck buuway
grey-crowned babbler dhadhalurraa
grey-fronted honeyeater djiibirrirr
grey: old man; first finger; old; grey dhiriya
grindstone: large grindstone dhayurr
grindstone: small grindstone giba
ground orchid guumay
ground parrot (red-rumped parrot) barrangga
ground-dwelling animals dhaymaadhi
ground: battle ground girraybaa
ground: boggy ground; boggy gunadha
ground: bora ground buurrabang
ground: burial ground, cemetery dhanmurr, dhawunma
ground: corroboree ground gumbu
ground: earth, ground, dirt dhawun
ground: earth, ground, dirt; home dhaymaarr
ground: hard ground; hard thing walan.gumba
ground: high ground dhirrin
ground: hill, high ground dhuyul
ground: initiation ceremony, bora; bora ground, initiation ground buurra
ground: initiation ground gunaba
ground: plain, open ground; outside wagi
ground: rocky ground/ridge murrila
group of emus gambadhuul
group of two -gaali
group: many (little things); group, mob -gal
group: social group Bumbira, Magula, Ngara
grow: come; rise (sun/moon); grow dhurra-li
grub birraa
grub hook ngay
grub: bogong moth grub birrga, yuluumaarraa
grub: caterpillar, grub gararrngan
grub: coolabah tree grub burrunggal
grub: gum tree grub yarraangan
grub: hook out grub ngaydju dhiyama-li
grub: sandalwood tree grub garruuyal
grub: spitfire grub maliga
grub: witchetty grub, whitewood grub wungala
gruie: emu apple tree, gruie guri, guwi
grunter: silver bream, sooty grunter gambaal
grunter: spangled grunter (fish) babi
guardian: initiation guardian mandhiigan
gudgeon: flat-headed gudgeon (a fish) nguluumanbuu
gull: seagull, silver gull giinbaywarraymal, maanggiiwarraywarraymal
gully: thigh; gully, creek mabun
gum tree grub yarraangan
gum: coolabah tree gum giyiirr
gum: house; stringybark gum tree gundhi
gum: river gum flowers yarraanbiin
gum: river red gum tree; Southern Cross (stars) yarraan
gum: spotty river gum tree yumu
gum: tree gum; glue dhani
gundabluie wattle ngaduwi
Gunnedah Gunudha
Gunnedah: orphan (motherless child); black-faced cuckoo-shrike; Gunnedah gunidjaa
Gurah: crack, gap; Gurah garra
Gurly Station: river wattle; Gurly Station gurrulay
gush out, spurt yuuga-y
gust: wind gust buliirral wanda
gut: cow's paper gut biibii
guts: stomach, belly, guts mubal
Gwydir River Guwayda
gypsum: lime gypsum; Goonoo gunu
habitual -awaa
habitual: all day, on-going, habitual -ngaya-li
hailstone: large hailstone dharayan, dhayan
hailstone: small hailstone yiyagungawuma
hair-string belt: string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
hair: body hair; pubic hair budhi
hair: fur, wool; hair dhurrun
hair: head hair balandharr
hair: head; head hair dhaygal, gawugaa
hairy caterpillar; furry tribe
hairy melon baaya
hairy, furry dhurrundhurrun
hairy: little (hairy) people gudiny, winambuu
half-caste gugan
half, part mulan
halo around moon gungurima
halo around moon or sun garrul
hammer: hitting thing; hitting stick; hammer bumal
hand; finger mara
hand; finger; five; totem maa
handkerchief yanggiidjaa
handle: axe handle birra
handpiece: shearing handpiece bagaay
hang binda-y
hang up bindama-li
hang up; tie up bindaybi-li
hang up: put up; hang up mayabi-li
happen: let (something happen) wana
happen: make (something) happen -ma-li
happy; pleased; proud gayaa
hard (with force); loudly; very bamba
hard foot (nickname for someone who is a good walker or roams around a lot) gumbadhina
hard ground; hard thing walan.gumba
hard-hearted walanduurr
hard, solid; strong; tough walanbaa
hard, solid; tough walan
hard, strong ngaarr
hard: flinty (very hard) gumba
hat; lid, top gabundi
have sex, make love dhaa-rri
have sex: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
have: take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
having: with, having -araay, -Baraay, -Biyaay, -iyaay
he, she (doer/doer to) nguru, nguu
head hair balandharr
head; head hair dhaygal, gawugaa
head: bald head biirra gawugaa
head: penis head nyiinmay
headband gulal
headband (plaited) ngulugaayrr
heal: fix, heal, make better maaruma-li, maayuma-li
healer's totem yanbiyaay
healthy: good, well; all right, correctly; well gaba
hear; listen winanga-li
heart wood: soul, spirit (human); heart wood; inside dhuwi
heart; gall bladder; bitter; blueberry (common name) gii
heat buuyan
heaven, sky camp; place far away balima
heaven: sky; heaven gunagala
heavy madhanbaa
heavy blood group guwaymadhan
heavy: very heavy madhanmadhan
heel dhanga
hello, greetings yaamagara
hello: question word; hello, greetings yaama
helpless: poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
hen: black-tailed native hen; Bangate baan.giirr
hen: black-tailed native-hen gulguwi
hen: redbill, swamp hen mayuubiyuu
her, him (done to) ngurunga, nguunga
her: from him/her ngurungundi, nguungundi
her: to/at/on him/her ngurungunda, nguungunda
her(s), his; to her, him ngurungu, nguungu
here (hereabouts) nguwalay
here: from here ngiilay
here: this way, to here dhaay
here: this; here nhalay
here: to here (nearby) marragula
hereabouts: here nguwalay
hermit baarrgiin
heron: nankeen night heron dhaarrin.gaarrin, dharrun
heron: white-faced heron, blue crane budhuulgaa, buyudhurrungiili
hey!, look!, ouch! yagaay
hiccup: sneeze; hiccup giguwi, giguwi dhu-rri
hide (plant) dhuwinba-li
hide (self) dhuwinba-y
hide and seek game waaguu
hide, plant (self) guuma-y
high ground dhirrin
high ground: hill, high ground dhuyul
high place: top; high place gaburran
high: up, high; east ngarribaa
hill, high ground dhuyul
hill, mountain range gaba
him: her, him (done to) ngurunga, nguunga
him/her: from him/her ngurungundi, nguungundi
him/her: to/at/on him/her ngurungunda, nguungunda
hip baa, mila
his: her(s), his; to her, him ngurungu, nguungu
hit man, thug bumaldaay
hit; kill buma-li
hit: be hit buma-y
hitching rail: gate post; hitching rail yaarrbin
hitting thing; hitting stick; hammer bumal
hobble: limp, hobble wirraa-y
hold on, not yet; before gamilu, waalu
hold: catch; hold bayama-li, ganma-li
hold: embrace, hold, cuddle gulagama-li
holder: clever man's bag; spirit holder bundurr
hole biruu
hole; cave; grave biyuu
hole; grave; round gurru
holey country gurrumayuu
hollow tree burran.gul
hollow tree; tree stump ngadhul
hollow: water hollow in tree gulaagul
home country: home, home country walaaybaa
home: earth, ground, dirt; home dhaymaarr
home: go home, go back yanaawuwi-y
honey drink galindjari
honey: bee; honey warangana
honey: pure honey gugal
honey: worker bee; bee's nest; honey warrul
honeyeater: grey-fronted honeyeater djiibirrirr
hooded robin biibin
hook wuu, yinabil
hook out (grub) ngaydju dhiyama-li
hook: grub hook ngay
hop bush; ripe; cooked yiilay
hop; jump; stamp; flap baa-y
hop: jump, hop bara-y
horn: cow horn nhalganhalga
hornet guwaa
hornet: mud hornet dhanbadhanba
hornet: wasp, hornet muundhuurr
horse yarraaman
horse fly baanduu
horse: stick horse wulbul yaal
horseshoe gumbiyaa
hot: burn; be hot; burn with pain; cook gudhuwa-y
hot: firestick; hot wiibiyaay
house fly banhaayal
house; stringybark gum tree gundhi
how many? minyangay
human shadow; shadow spirit; location malawil
humour: mood, humour guuyay
humped: full, humped dhumbil
humpy: camp; humpy; nest, walaay
humpy: large oval fungus; little humpy wayway
hundred barriga
hungry yuulngin
hunt away, chase away yuwaba-y
hunt: go hunting; hunt; find, look for maniila-y
hunter: good hunter dhiidhaan
huntsman spider gurra
husband: spouse, husband, wife guliirr
husband's mother: mother-in-law; aunt (any), aunt (man's father's sister) walgan
hush! gaabu
husky voice ngurrgun
hut: bark hut; tin canoe dhaadharr
hut: grass windbreak, grass hut ngana
ice: frost; ice dhandarr
if: whether, if yaamagaa
imitate: mimic, imitate speech gaay gawaa-y
immediately baayanbuu, barraaywan
immediately: now; today yilaadhu
important man: initiated man; important man; Aboriginal man yuurray
in front biridji
in that manner: like that, in that manner; because (consequence) yalagiirrma
in the same way as: like, just like yalagiirray
in this manner: this way, in this manner yalay
in, at, on; to (dative) -Ga
in: jump in bumbaali-y
information: known information -ma
initiated man; important man; Aboriginal man yuurray
initiated man: fully initiated man buurrbaa
initiated youth guburra
initiation ceremony, bora; bora ground, initiation ground buurra
initiation ground gunaba
initiation ground: initiation ceremony, bora; bora ground, initiation ground buurra
initiation guardian mandhiigan
initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
initiation song burrambuurra
initiation-ground pathway dhunbarran
insect: egg; brain; insect gawu
insect: long-legged insect dharrabilay
insects gawugalgaa
inside mudhu
inside: be in, be inside wa-y
inside: soul, spirit (human); heart wood; inside dhuwi
intelligent: teacher of the law; clever, intelligent binangarrangarra
intestines: fish intestines wirraa
intestines: sheep intestines (large) yaray
intestines: sheep intestines (small) galinggaa
intonation: pronunciation, accent; tune, intonation dhaalan
iron pot nhayamban
iron; machinery gumbadhaa
ironbark: silver ironbark dhiinyaay
ironic imperative -mi-y
jackeroo: red kangaroo; jackeroo, stockman bawurra
Jacky Winter (bird) dhunidjuni
jagged spear mirringamu
jail yalaa
jaw: cheek; jaw, jawbone dhaal
jealousy buul
jew lizard dhayarr
juice, gravy; soup, sauce wirrun
jump in bumbaali-y
jump into water (game) babaaluma-y
jump, hop bara-y
jump: hop; jump; stamp; flap baa-y
just like: like, just like (in the same way as) yalagiirray
just, only yiyal
just: only, just -biyal
Kalmundi Station Galimandi
kangaroo rat dhurrawaay, gunharr
kangaroo rat (bettong) milaya
kangaroo-tooth ornament yambiyan
kangaroo: bag; pouch of kangaroo man.garr
kangaroo: grey kangaroo bandaarr
kangaroo: red kangaroo ganuurr
kangaroo: red kangaroo; jackeroo, stockman bawurra
kangaroo: stinky; western grey kangaroo (nickname) nhuwiwan
kangaroo: western grey kangaroo wamburr
keep, retain, store garrawa-li
kestrel: Australian kestrel, nankeen kestrel wala
kidney mugarr
Kigwigil: red soil; Kigwigil gigwidjil
kill (stone dead) nhuwigu buma-li
kill: hit; kill buma-li
kill: pelt, throw at; point bone, kill gayawi-li
kind: good-hearted, kind; generous gayliyaay
kindling wugan.galgaa
king brown snake; snake ngandabaa
kingfisher: red-backed kingfisher dhaadhiirr
kingfisher: sacred kingfisher bunduun
kiss: twist, plait; kiss yabi-li
kite: black kite manggarraan
kite: black-breasted kite wugamaabaydaa
kite: whistling kite biya
knead: squash; knead bama-li
knee: back of knee gayarr
knife: stone knife magal
knock down; push down bundaama-li
knot: tie up; knot yulaa-li
knot: tree knot buul, nhay
knotty, lumpy buulbuul
knotty: rough, bumpy; knotty madhamadha
know; remember dhiirra-y
know: understand; know; remember; think; love winanga-y
knowledgeable dhuurran
known information -ma
knuckle biyal
koala guba, guda
kookaburra gugurrgaagaa
kurrajong bark giyawaan, muramin
kurrajong tree nhungga
kurrajong tree; rope nhimin
kurrajong-country people Nhunggabarra
kurrajong: young kurrajong root gaagul
lacking: without, lacking -dhalibaa
lactating female: old woman; lactating female maamii
lady: senior lady (respected elder) yinarraa
lagoon: creek; lagoon; Cowal gaawal
lagoon: small waterhole; lagoon dhanggaal
lake name Maandhi
lame, crippled dhan.gurr
land yam gugumadharraa
language: word; message; language; story gaay
lapwing: spur-winged plover, masked lapwing baaldharradharra
large bark vessel yabil
large grindstone dhayurr
large hailstone dharayan, dhayan
large locust ngarrala
large mussel dhanggal
large oval fungus; little humpy wayway
large saltbush binamayaa
later on baayandhu
later: long ago; long time later yilaalu
laugh gindama-y
law bigan
lay egg: give birth; lay egg; be born gaanga-y
lazy: tired; lazy yinggil
leader, chief, boss dhuurranmay
leader: corroboree leader murraan.gali
leads: be, become (get); going to (do something); goes to (leads) gi-gi
leaf litter: moss; rubbish, leaf litter gagarr
leak: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
leak: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
lean meat; body; Bunna; cannibal bana
lean over: bend down, stoop; lean over dhuli-y
leaning dhaandiyaay
leave alone dhabima-li, dhiirrma-li
leave: throw, pitch; leave wana-gi
leaves used for burying yilbin
leaves; location girran.girraa
leaves: tea leaves dhii garril
leech guurrman
left wara, waya
left-handed; left waragaal, wayagaal
leg: calf of leg wuruga
leg: lower leg, calf of leg, shin buyu
leg: thigh, leg; creek; tree branch dharra
legless lizard, slow worm binadhiwuubiyan
lemonwood dharriwa
leopardwood flowers baalaraan
leopardwood tree; Bukkulla bagala
let (something happen) wana
let go: release, let go; sack yanaaynbi-li
letter: paper; note (paper money); letter biiba
lice: louse, lice munhi
lid: hat; lid, top gabundi
lie wi-y
lie, tell a lie dhanggi-li, yaal dhanggi-li
lie; pretend, false yaal
lie; pretend, gammon wagi
lie: sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
lift up: pick up, lift up dhiyama-li
light (fire/lamp) wulanabi-li
light (not heavy) gabanbaa
light a fire: make a fire, light a fire wii wiima-li
light blood group guwaygaliyarr
light: fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
light: flame; light dhuuraay
light: flame; light; firestick dhuuyaay
lightning, chain lightning dhun.gayrra
lightning: thunder; lightning murrumay
lignum country people Mirriyaabarra
lignum: flowering lignum, lignum fuchsia barrgay
like that, in that manner; because (consequence) yalagiirrma
like, just like (in the same way as) yalagiirray
like, similar to -giirr
lily: Darling lily dhaygalbaarrayn
lime gypsum; Goonoo gunu
lime: native lime gayn.gayn
limp, hobble wirraa-y
line: fishing line yalaayn
line: string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
lip gumay
lip; gills yili
listen: hear; listen winanga-li
listen! yiiy
litter: moss; rubbish, leaf litter gagarr
little (affectionate) -ili
little (hairy) people gudiny, winambuu
little corella gadharra
little crow waagaan, waagiyan
little girl mayrra
little girl; Seven Sisters (stars), Pleiades (stars); mallee willow miyaymiyaay
little humpy: large oval fungus; little humpy wayway
little one dhugaadjuul
little pied cormorant birribangga
little plains lizard birriyan
little red lizard gadha
little song yugali
little things: many little things; group, mob -gal
little, small; one -DHuul
little: child; small, little gaaynmara
little: small, little badjin, bubaay, dhugaay
little: small, little; child gaay
live: sit; stay, stop, live yilawa-y
live: sit; stay, stop, live; ride wila-y
live: sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
liver gana
lizard (nickname) murrawa
lizard: bearded dragon, frilled lizard balawagarr, dhalagal, dharri, wuulaa
lizard: blue-tongue lizard wubun
lizard: fly-catcher lizard buumayamayal
lizard: jew lizard dhayarr
lizard: legless lizard, slow worm binadhiwuubiyan
lizard: little plains lizard birriyan
lizard: little red lizard gadha
lizard: shingleback lizard garrbaali, manggaay
lizard: sleepy lizard wurumal
lizard: small dragon lizard gumawuma
lizard: tree lizard waluubaal
location: battle spirit; location Wurrawaadhiyan
location: brigalow wattle; location barranbaa
location: Darling pea; location gilaan.garra
location: human shadow; shadow spirit; location malawil
location: leaves; location girran.girraa
locust: large locust ngarrala
locust: small locust, cicada ngininnginin
log bridge; stool, bench gulaay
log: back log wiigun
log: ceremonial log ginilgarriya
log: shelly log
loincloth: possum-fur loincloth gumilaa
lonely: be lonely walindja-li
lonely: out of place; lonely, sulky walingay
long ago yilambu
long ago; long time later yilaalu
long ago: very long ago ngaarribu
long way biruu, biyuu
long-legged insect dharrabilay
long-nailed spirit Yuluwaya
long-necked shag: darter, long-necked shag ganandhaal, gunambaal
long-necked turtle girrabirrii
long-necked turtle: wedge-tailed eagle; long-necked turtle; policeman maliyan
long; tall guraarr, guyaarr
look after: mind, look after ngarrangarra-li
look at (greedily) gunmi-li
look for: go hunting; hunt; find, look for maniila-y
look for: search for, look for gayarra-gi
look for: search for, look for; find ngaawa-y
look out! nhama dhaay
look: see; look; watch ngami-li, ngarra-li
look!: hey!, look!, ouch! yagaay
loose, rattling buwabuwa
lot of talk burrulaa garay
lot: covered with, with a lot of -bil
lot: many, a lot burrulaa
loudly: hard (with force); loudly; very bamba
louse nit: sand; louse nit garaay, gayaay
louse, lice munhi
louse: mother louse gabuul
love (be sweet on) guwiirrnga-li
love: have sex, make love dhaa-rri
love: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
love: understand; know; remember; think; love winanga-y
lower leg, calf of leg, shin buyu
lucky murrubidi
lump gulu
lumpy: knotty, lumpy buulbuul
lung gaban
machinery: iron; machinery gumbadhaa
MacIntyre River: Boobera Lagoon or MacIntyre River Gawubuwan Gunigal
mad, crazy; stupid, silly; eccentric wamba
mad: silly, mad; pretending! yaambul
maggot; blowfly gamugamuu
magic stone muuliyaay
magpie goose dhawudjarrdalmu
magpie-lark: peewee, magpie-lark barriindjiin, birrgabirrga
Major Mitchell cockatoo: pink cockatoo, Major Mitchell cockatoo gagalarrin
make (construct) dhurra-li
make (force) buyawila-li
make (something) happen -ma-li
make a corroboree: dance dhan.gurrama-y
make a fire, light a fire wii wiima-li
make better: fix, heal, make better maaruma-li, maayuma-li
make bigger, spread out waluwarr bunma-li
make by hand maayama-li, marama-li
make come out dhurraaba-li
make cry yubama-li
make love: have sex, make love dhaa-rri
make love: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
make mouth water ngarrdanma-li
make someone angry: annoy, make someone angry yiili burranba-li
make: do; make (construct) gimbi-li, gimubi-li
make: talk (to), speak (to); tell; say; make (someone do something) guwaa-li
maker: boomerang maker barran.giiba
male echidna; echidna ant sack; ant nest gadhuu
mallee willow: little girl; Seven Sisters (stars), Pleiades (stars); mallee willow miyaymiyaay
mallee willow: manna; sweetheart; mallee willow guwiirra
man-like spirit murraagu
man: Aboriginal doctor, clever man wiringin
man: Aboriginal man giwiirr
man: Aboriginal man; Aboriginal person dhayn
man: Aboriginal person; Aboriginal man mari
man: ancestral eagle man Maliyangarr
man: Chinese man dhaliman, mil binggarr
man: fully initiated man buurrbaa
man: fully initiated young man yiyalgidjaay
man: ghost, spirit; white man wanda
man: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
man: initiated man; important man; Aboriginal man yuurray
man: old man wuulman
man: old man, old friend mudhi
man: old man; first finger; old; grey dhiriya
man: white man gabaa
man: young man yira murrun, yiya murrun
man's belt wayuwaal
man's father's sister: mother-in-law (husband's mother); aunt (any), aunt (man's father's sister) walgan
mandarine: native mandarine dharrday
manna gun.giyan
manna (on bark) dharraabiin
manna; sweetheart; mallee willow guwiirra
mannered: peaceful, well mannered gaba binaal
many -galgaa
many (little things); group, mob -gal
many coloured gagan.gagan
many, a lot burrulaa
mark: axe mark baayl
mark: initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
married woman: Aboriginal woman, married woman wirringgaa
marrow: bone marrow giindjuu
Mars: planet Mars Guwaybila
marsupial mouse gima
marthaguy burr mugaadhaa
martin: fairy martin bidjaaymamal
martin: tree martin gan.garra
masked lapwing: spur-winged plover, masked lapwing baaldharradharra
master: boss, master maadha
matches buri, maadjirr
mate: friend, mate baayamba, barringgu, maliyaa, mamal, ngaan.gii
matrilineal totem yarudhagaa
me (done to) nganha
me: from me nganundi
me: my; to me ngay
me: to/at/on me nganunda
meat ant buurrngan
meat; meat (totem) dhinggaa
meat; meat (totem); animal dhii
meat: lean meat; body; Bunna; cannibal bana
meat: piece of meat dhiidjuul
medicine dhalbin
medicine bush (fuschia) ngarran
meeting place bunbul
meeting: women's social section; meeting Buudhaa
melon milan
melon: black stripe; melon bilum
melon: camel melon ngayuun
melon: hairy melon baaya
melon: native melon nhinay
men's social section Gabii, Gambuu, Marrii, Yibaay
mess, rubbish dhaga
message stick maang
message stick: bora message stick dhulu buurra
message stick: tree; stick; message stick dhulu
message: word; message; language; story gaay
messenger; priest; counsellor dhayndalmuu
messenger: bora messenger wuumaa
methylated spirits gum
methylated spirits: white; clear alcohol; methylated spirits banggabaa
mid-afternoon ngadaa dhuni
mid-morning ngarribaa dhuni
middle bidjun
midwife: old woman; midwife, nurse; wife dhubaay
might (would you) -badhaay
might: must, might; either ... or -Yaa
Mildool Milduul
milk milgin
milk thistle balamba
milky fluid balam
Milky Way: watercourse (overflow channel); Milky Way warrambul
milky weed minan
millet: river grass (native millet); grain; Goolhi guli
Millie Station Mili
million wiwurra
millipede barranbarraan
mimic, imitate speech gaay gawaa-y
mimosa bean pods mawurrngiyan
mimosa bush mawurr
mind, look after ngarrangarra-li
miner bird: soldier bird, miner bird dhiidjiinbawaa
mint: pennyroyal, river mint buuybuuy, ngawingawi
mirage yiirriirr
Mirramanar Station: dragonfly; bullroarer; Mirramanar Station murrumanamanaa
missus, mistress midi
mist: fog, mist guwa
mistletoe bird baandjil
mistletoe, snotty gobbles baan
mistress: missus, mistress midi
moan yaaga-y
mob: crowd, big mob dharaa
mob: many (little things); group, mob -gal
mob: noisy mob wululgal
moiety name Wudhurruu, Yanguru, Yanguu
moiety: opposite moiety ngaarriga
money banggul
money: paper; note (paper money); letter biiba
money: stone; coins yarral
money: stone; money maayama
monitor: black-headed monitor galgarriirr
monster, freak gayadharri
mood, humour guuyay
mood: bad mood gagil guuyay
mood: good mood gaba guuyay
moon: climb; rise (sun/moon) galiya-y
moon: come; rise (sun/moon); grow dhurra-li
moon: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
moon: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
moon: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
moon: halo around moon gungurima
moon: halo around moon or sun garrul
moon: new moon barran.giirr
Morning Star, Venus (planet) Maliyan.gaalay
mosquito mungin
moss; rubbish, leaf litter gagarr
moth: bogong moth grub birrga, yuluumaarraa
moth: type of moth burrun, gambigambi
mother earth gunimaa
mother louse gabuul
mother-in-law (husband's mother); aunt (any), aunt (man's father's sister) walgan
mother-in-law (wife's mother) buyal
mother-in-law (wife's mother); son-in-law (woman's daughter's husband); grandmother (father's mother) garrimaay
mother-in-law's brother; son-in-law badhuul
mother; aunt (mother's sister) gunii, ngambaa
mother; aunt (mother's sister); female gunidjarr
mother: aunt (mother's younger sister) dhugaaga ngambaa
mother's brother: father; wife's mother's brother baayna
mother's brother: uncle; father-in-law garruu
mother's brother's wife: father's sister; mother's brother's wife; mother's mother's brother's daughter baaman
mother's father: grandfather; grandson (daughter's son) dhaadhaa
mother's mother: grandmother badhii
mother's mother: grandmother; mother's mother's brother waabi
mother's mother: grandmother; old woman baagii
mother's mother: sister; grandmother gaadhii
mother's mother's brother: father's sister; mother's brother's wife; mother's mother's brother's daughter baaman
mother's mother's brother: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
mother's mother's brother: grandmother (mother's mother); mother's mother's brother waabi
mother's mother's brother's daughter: father's sister; mother's brother's wife; mother's mother's brother's daughter baaman
mother's mother's mother murrambagan
mother's older sister: aunt burrul ngambaa
mother's sister: mother; aunt ngambaa, gunii
mother's sister: mother; aunt; female gunidjarr
mother's sister's husband: father; mother's sister's husband biiyalaa
mother's younger sister: aunt dhugaaga ngambaa
motherless child: orphan biiwan
motherless child: orphan; black-faced cuckoo-shrike; Gunnedah gunidjaa
mound: termite mound guwiigaa
mountain on Namoi River Badhara Walaay, Balarangawul
mountain: hill, mountain range gaba
mountain: name of a sacred mountain Wubi Wubi
mouse: marsupial mouse gima
moustache mandhu
moustache: beard, whiskers; moustache yarray
mouth; opening, entrance ngaay
move in a line baanda-y
movement to; purpose; belonging to; for -gu
mown: cut, mown, clipped; shaved garragarraa
much: big, much burrul
Muckerawa (waterhole) Magarrawayaa
mucus, snot mirril
mud catfish waay
mud hornet dhanbadhanba
mud; paint bidjaay
mug: tin mug, mug; can (tin can) gaala
mulga malga
mulga parrot; ringneck parrot; two stars bulunbulun
Murrawal: porcupine, echidna; Murrawal marrawal
Murray cod; fish guduu
muscle bindawu
mushroom wubu
mussel: large mussel dhanggal
mussel: small mussel giinbay, maanggii
must, might; either ... or -Yaa
mustn't wanaa
my; to me ngay
myall tree maayaal
myrtle, turkey bush burrgulbiyan
mythical beings (type of) dhinabarra
mythical tribe Murungamildaa
mythological warrior enemies guuwiyaay
nail-tail: bridled nail-tail wallaby mararra, mayarra
nail, fingernail, toenail; claw; scratch (claw mark) yulu
nail: small sharp things; needle; nail; pin binggi
name: alternative name bilaan
name: moiety name Wudhurruu, Yanguru, Yanguu
name: secret name mudhun
name: what's-a-name ngaandingaandi
named; well known gayrriyaay
Namoi River Ngamaay
nankeen kestrel: Australian kestrel, nankeen kestrel wala
nankeen night heron dhaarrin.gaarrin, dharrun
nardoo bal, nhaadhuu
Narrabri Nharibaraay
Narran River: skinny; Narran River nharran
narrow waawul
native banana gaagulu
native banana yam biyarrbirr, giban
native bee guni
native bee: queen native bee guniinii
native carrot dhalayndjaa
native cat, quoll bagandi
native cherry: drooping currant, native cherry mirrii
native companion: brolga, native companion burraalga
native gooseberry bulabul
native lime gayn.gayn
native mandarine dharrday
native melon nhinay
native millet: river grass; grain; Goolhi guli
native orange tree bambul
native orange tree flowers bambulngiyan
native parsnip madhay
native peach garrayarray
native plum ngamumbirra
native potato buunggal, dhiilguwin
native spinach galan.galaan
native tomato bulumburr, gumi
native-hen: black-tailed native-hen gulguwi
nature baayangali
navel, bellybutton bigal, wirrigaal
near future: yesterday (recent past), tomorrow -ngayi-y
near: close, near guwiin, guwiinbaa, milan
near: come near guwiinba-li
nearby: to here (nearby) marragula
nearly: almost, nearly ngaliman
neck: back of neck nhan
neck: throat; neck wuru, wuyu
necklace nhiigiliirr
necklace: seed or grass necklace dhiiriil
Nee-Nee Nhiinhii
needle: bone needle nhingal
needle: small sharp things; needle; nail; pin binggi
needlewood tree
nephew (sister's son) gunubingaa
nervous gidjarri
nervous: upset, nervous bina guwaal
nest: camp; humpy; nest, walaay
nest: camp; nest gaarrimay
nest: male echidna; echidna ant sack; ant nest gadhuu
nest: worker bee; bee's nest; honey warrul
net bag; fish net; goanna eggs gulay
net: emu net mirrun
net: fish net dhaaliyaay
never baluwaal
new moon barran.giirr
new, strange guliyaan
new: fresh; new yilaan.gaal
next bayaal
nicely gabangaarr
nickname barranbuu
nickname: hard foot (for someone who is a good walker or roams around a lot) gumbadhina
nickname: lizard murrawa
nickname: proud gudjibaal
nickname: stinky; western grey kangaroo nhuwiwan
nickname: wood duck; water bird gunambaay
niece (sister's daughter) gunugayngaa
night ngurru
night; black; dark buluuy
nightjar: owlet nightjar yirrin
nightjar: spotted nightjar buugudaguda
nine mirraal
nit: sand; louse nit garaay, gayaay
no good: bad, no good; Coghill gagil
no one (doer to) waal ngaanduwaa
no shame: shameless, no shame giyaldhalibaa
no, none maayrr, marayrr
no, not; didn't, don't, won't gamil, waal
no: shame!, oh no! barrabandu
noise wulul
noise, sound dhural
noise: echo, chopping noise ban.gul
noise: make noise dhura-li, girriinba-li
noise: wing noise maamuu
noisy friar bird dhaguway
noisy mob wululgal
non-marriageable woman
non-marriageable: crosswise, across; non-marriageable (woman) nganbirr
none: no, none maayrr, marayrr
nose muyu
nose bone/shell muyu waa
nose; beak; point muru
nosey person: willy wagtail; troublemaker; nosey person dhirridhirri
not heavy: light gabanbaa
not right: badly, carelessly, not right gamil maaru, waal maayu
not with it yalabiyaay
not yet: hold on, not yet; before gamilu, waalu
not: no, not; didn't, don't, won't gamil, waal
note: paper; note (paper money); letter biiba
now (immediately); today yilaadhu
now; then; or -nga
now: what now? yaamanga
Nullawa Nguluwawul
nurse: old woman; midwife, nurse; wife dhubaay
nut grass warringaay
oak: spear; swamp oak, belah tree bilaarr
oak: swamp oak, belah tree murrgu
ochre: gidgee; yellow ochre; yellow gidjiirr
ochre: red ochre guuwarr
ochre: white ochre dhawurraa
ochre: yellow ochre guwinii
odd: stranger, foreigner; strange, odd wiyaybaa
oh dear! madjagurra
oh dear!: poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
oh no!: shame!, oh no! barrabandu
okay! (satisfactory) miyaay
okay! all right! ngaayaybaay
old man wuulman
old man, old friend mudhi
old man; first finger; old; grey dhiriya
old man; old things wayamaa
old woman; grandmother miimii
old woman; lactating female maamii
old woman; midwife, nurse; wife dhubaay
old woman: grandmother (mother's mother); old woman baagii
old; old person dhuningarraay
older brother dhaya
older sister bawa, dhawurran
older sister, sister baawaa
older sister; younger sister bagaan
older sister: aunt (mother's older sister) burrul ngambaa
on-going: all day, on-going, habitual -ngaya-li
on: be on top; be up ma-y
on: in, at, on; to (dative) -Ga
on: to/at/on him/her ngurungunda, nguungunda
on: to/at/on me nganunda
on: to/at/on them (more than two people) ganungunda
on: to/at/on them (two people) gaalingunda
on: to/at/on us (more than two people) ngiyaningunda
on: to/at/on us (two people) ngalingunda
on: to/at/on you (more than two people) nginaayngunda
on: to/at/on you (one person) nginunda
on: to/at/on you (two people) nginaalingunda
once maala
one male emu; bachelor ganduwi
one: alone, only one milanduul
one: little, small; one -DHuul
oneself -ngiili-y
only munggal
only one milandjal
only one: alone, only one milanduul
only two bulaadjal
only, just -biyal
only: just, only yiyal
open ground: plain, open ground; outside wagi
open: plain, open (treeless) country wagibaa
open: plain, open (treeless) country; Richard's pipit wagiwagi
open: split open barrabarraa
open: take out; open dhuma-li
opening; open ganaay
opening: mouth; opening, entrance ngaay
opposite moiety ngaarriga
or: must, might; either ... or -Yaa
or: now; then; or -nga
orange: native orange tree bambul
orange: native orange tree flowers bambulngiyan
orchid gubiyaay
orchid country people Garriibarra
orchid: black orchid garrii
orchid: ground orchid guumay
orchid: wax-lipped orchid gurriyaa
order: straighten up (tidy), put in order baanda-li
Orion's belt (stars); boys birraybirraay
ornament: kangaroo-tooth ornament yambiyan
orphan (fatherless boy) yumbuy
orphan (fatherless child) gawun
orphan (motherless child) biiwan
orphan (motherless child); black-faced cuckoo-shrike; Gunnedah gunidjaa
other side of river gandaarr
other side: over there ngarraagulay
other: another, other murrunbaa
ouch!: hey!, look!, ouch! yagaay
our (more than two people); to us (more than two people) ngiyaningu
our (two people); to us (two people) ngalingu
out of place; lonely, sulky walingay
outside: plain, open ground; outside wagi
over there ngaarrima
over there (other side) ngarraagulay
over there (that way) ngaarrigulay, ngaarrimali
over there: right over there ngaarringaarri
over there: there, over there ngaarri
overseer badjin maadha
owl: barking owl muurrguu
owl: barn owl nguunguu, wanggii
owl: boobook owl guurrguurr
owlet nightjar yirrin
own: take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
owner wurrugaa
paddle: bathe, paddle; dive, duck under wunga-y
paddock baadi
paddock: give-and-take paddock ngaambiyan
pain: burn; be hot; burn with pain; cook gudhuwa-y
paint (self) gaarra-y
paint: black paint buuwan
paint: mud; paint bidjaay
paint: white paint bidjaay balaa
pair: emu pair bulawaa
Pallal: dry, empty, bare; thirsty; Pallal balal
pallid cuckoo mungin.gagalawaa
pan: frying pan burraanban
paper; note (paper money); letter biiba
paperbark: swamp paperbark, tea-tree nguu
parallel bilabilaa
pardalote: red-browed pardalote wiiwambin
pardalote: striated pardalote wirrwirr
parent: foster parent gulumaldhaay
parrot (feeding) gaadhal
parrot: ground parrot (red-rumped parrot) barrangga
parrot: mulga parrot; ringneck parrot; two stars bulunbulun
parrot: red-winged parrot bilay
parrot: ringneck parrot nhan.garra
parsnip: native parsnip madhay
part: half, part mulan
passage: Adam's apple, throat; passage, cattle race wun.guwi
past tense suffix -nhi, -nyi, -y
past: yesterday (recent past), tomorrow (near future) -ngayi-y
pathway warruwi
pathway: initiation-ground pathway dhunbarran
pea: budda pea gayga
pea: Darling pea; location gilaan.garra
peaceful dove gurugun
peaceful, well mannered gaba binaal
peacekeeper gayaandhi
peach: native peach garrayarray
peak: flood peak wugi
peek: peep wurungga-li, wuumi-li
Peelborough waterhole Biyuulbarra
peep (peek) wurungga-li, wuumi-li
peephole wurunggal
peewee, magpie-lark barriindjiin, birrgabirrga
peg: tooth; seed; peg yiya
pelt, throw at garawi-li
pelt, throw at; point bone, kill gayawi-li
pen up wubarra-li
pen: echidna quill; pen, pencil wiyayl
pencil: echidna quill; pen, pencil wiyayl
pendant: shell; shell chest pendant waa
penis head nyiinmay
penis; tail dhun
penis; testicles manday
pennyroyal, river mint buuybuuy, ngawingawi
people from -barra
people: kurrajong-country people Nhunggabarra
people: lignum country people Mirriyaabarra
people: little (hairy) people gudiny, winambuu
people: orchid country people Garriibarra
peppery, spicy yiiliyiili
perch (unidentified fish) baraa
perch, roost wana-y
perch: golden perch, yellowbelly dhagaay
perhaps -gaa
persistent rain guuyaarrma
person: Aboriginal man; Aboriginal person dhayn
person: Aboriginal person; Aboriginal man mari
person: angry person yiiliyiiliyan
person: clever man's spirit; person's spirit malimali
person: old; old person dhuningarraay
person: willy wagtail; troublemaker; nosey person dhirridhirri
person's spirit yawi
person's spirit: clever man's spirit; person's spirit malimali
phascogale: red-tailed phascogale marawanda
Piangobla Bayn Gabilaa
pick up, lift up dhiyama-li
piece of bark yarraadharr
piece of meat dhiidjuul
piece: splinter, piece, fragment bilgin
pied butcherbird buubuurrbu
pigeon: bronzewing pigeon dhamarr
pigeon: squatter pigeon mumumbaay
pigeon: topknot pigeon gulawuliil
pigweed dhamu, ganhan
pigweed: small pigweed yiil
Pilliga Bilaga
pillow dhaygaluwi
pin: small sharp things; needle; nail; pin binggi
pinch nhima-li
pine: white cypress pine gurraari, gurraay
pink cockatoo, Major Mitchell cockatoo gagalarrin
pink-eared duck wilidhubaay, wiligabuul
pins and needles dhinayal
pipeclay: white pipeclay; Boggy Ridge bagi
pipit: plain, open (treeless) country; Richard's pipit wagiwagi
pipit: Richard's pipit wagaaygaali
piss, urine; beer giil
piss: urinate, piss giili-y
pistol birridul
pitch: throw, pitch; leave wana-gi
pitiful: poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
pity someone: feel sorry for someone, pity someone ngarraga-li
place far away: heaven, sky camp; place far away balima
place of: time of; place of -Baa
place: all over the place wiyalwiyal
place: bird-trapping place Dhiilgulaybaa
place: meeting place bunbul
place: sharpening-tools place Barrali Mugulbaa
place: stony place maayamabaa
place: top; high place gaburran
plain, flat guniyal
plain, open (treeless) country wagibaa
plain, open (treeless) country; Richard's pipit wagiwagi
plain, open ground; outside wagi
plain: Wee Warra Plain Wii Warra
plains grass ganalay
plains rat wagimal
plains turkey, Australian bustard gumbulgaban
plains turkey, bustard barawaa
plait: twist, plait; kiss yabi-li
plane: carpenter's plane gaynda
planet Mars Guwaybila
planigale (rat-like marsupial) garragali
plant: hide (plant) dhuwinba-li
plant: hide, plant (self) guuma-y
plant: prickle; prickly plant; roly-poly spirit bindiyaa
plant: type of plant muluumay
plate fungus; plate bagal
plate: small coolamon; plate wirri
play with yuurrma-li
play; dance; gamble yulu-gi
play: corroboree; play yuurrma-y
pleased: happy; pleased; proud gayaa
Pleiades (stars) Bariyan Ngama
Pleiades: little girl; Seven Sisters (stars), Pleiades (stars); mallee willow miyaymiyaay
plover biramba
plover: banded plover bundabul
plover: black-fronted plover bilidjuu
plover: spur-winged plover, masked lapwing baaldharradharra
pluck, pull out buurra-li
plum: native plum ngamumbirra
point dhuba-y
point bone: pelt, throw at; point bone, kill gayawi-li
point: face; forehead; point; surface ngulu
point: nose; beak; point muru
pointed club murrula
pointers of Southern Cross: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo muyaay
poison bone guuyarra
poison stick, poison bone bugiyaa, gadhiigurrii
poke: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
policeman fly gugun.gugun
policeman: wedge-tailed eagle; long-necked turtle; policeman maliyan
poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
porcupine, echidna bigibila
porcupine, echidna; Murrawal marrawal
possessions buwabil
possessor (family member) -dhi
possible: all possible -luu
possum-fur loincloth gumilaa
possum: brushtail possum mudhay
possum: gliding possum bagu
possum: ringtail possum garrawirr
possum: woman's possum-fur belt wangal
post: corner post giniybaal
post: gate post; hitching rail yaarrbin
pot: iron pot nhayamban
potato budidaa
potato: native potato buunggal, dhiilguwin
potato: velvet potato bush dhiiburruu
potential spouse (for a man) nganuwaay
pouch: bag; pouch (kangaroo) man.garr
pour: spill; pour yaarrima-li, gaarrima-li
powerful: strong, powerful warranggal
praise: expression of praise waa
praise: sing; praise bawi-li
prepare buganma-li
prepare a bed; spread dhiyaagarra-li
present progressive verb suffix -nha
pretend -gaalu
pretend fight yaambuwiirr
pretend: gammon, pretend yalbala
pretend: lie; pretend, false yaal
pretend: lie; pretend, gammon wagi
pretending!: silly, mad; pretending! yaambul
prickle; prickly plant; roly-poly spirit bindiyaa
prickly gecko garragarraandi
priest: messenger; priest; counsellor dhayndalmuu
principal: school principal dhiirralbidi
progressive: moving progressive suffix -laa-y, -waa-y, -yaa-y
progressive: present progressive verb suffix -nha
progressive: regular progressive suffix -dha-y, -gi-la-y, -lda-y, -rraa-y, -y-la-y
prominent (big) -wan
pronunciation, accent; tune, intonation dhaalan
protector: chest protector, breastplate wirrgun
proud (nickname) gudjibaal
proud: happy; pleased; proud gayaa
pubic hair: body hair; pubic hair budhi
pudding budhun
puddle dhan.gaay
puff out chest biiwanma-li
puffed out: black-faced woodswallow; puffed out; boastful, bragging biiwanbiiwan
pull off: tear off, pull off, strip off; tear baarrama-li
pull out: pluck, pull out buurra-li
punty bush bandi
pure honey gugal
purpose verb suffix -gu
purpose: movement to; purpose; belonging to; for -gu
pus: boil; swelling; pus; soft, weak mula
push against, shove garranba-li
push away; throw out dhilay-rri
push down: knock down; push down bundaama-li
put (on self) wiima-y
put back, return yuwanma-li
put down wiima-li
put fire out buudhu-rri
put in wa-li
put in order: straighten up (tidy), put in order baanda-li
put out (extinguish) baluburra-li, baluwa-li
put someone to bed dhanduwiyma-li
put up; hang up mayabi-li
put up: build, put up; stand up; send; raise (bring up) warrayma-li
python dhuyumanga
python: carpet python yabaa
python: Children's python dhayaaminyaa
quandong guwadhaa
quarrel yayala-y
quarrel, row garran
quarrian: cockatiel, quarrian wiraarr, wiyaarr
queen native bee guniinii
question word; hello, greetings yaama
quickly: fast, quickly barraay
quiet dhabiyaan
quiet; tired malu
quiet: be quiet; be still dhabi-y
quieten, soothe, calm, settle down binaal bunma-li
quietly: slowly, steadily; quietly baluwaa
quill: echidna quill wirayl
quill: echidna quill; pen, pencil wiyayl
quills: remove quills wiyayi-li
quinine tree; quinine bark gadibundhu
quoll: native cat, quoll bagandi
race: Adam's apple, throat; passage, cattle race wun.guwi
ragged: torn, ragged gadharrgadharr
rail: gate post; hitching rail yaarrbin
rain-making stone wuudalay
rain: funeral smoke; fine rain dhuubaarr
rain: persistent rain guuyaarrma
rain: water; rain; tear gali
rainbow yuluwirri
rainbow bee-eater birrubirruu
raise (bring up) burrul burranba-li
raise: build, put up; stand up; send; raise (bring up) warrayma-li
randy: sexy, randy gayaay
range: hill, mountain range gaba
rat-like marsupial: planigale garragali
rat: bush rat dhunmidjirr
rat: kangaroo rat dhurrawaay, gunharr
rat: kangaroo rat (bettong) milaya
rat: plains rat wagimal
rat: water rat gumaay
rattle: shake; shiver; wag; rattle dhirranba-y
rattling: loose, rattling buwabuwa
raven: crow, Australian raven waan
raven: crow, raven waaruu
raw; green (unripe) dhurrin
re-growth gadjigadji
really do giirruuma-li
really, truly giirr
really: very, really -ban.gaan, -wan.gaan
recent past: yesterday, tomorrow (near future) -ngayi-y
recently: soon, directly; recently yilaa
reciprocal: each other (reciprocal suffix) -dha-y, -la-y
red kangaroo ganuurr
red kangaroo; jackeroo, stockman bawurra
red ochre guuwarr
red soil guwaygalaa
red soil; Kigwigil gigwidjil
red-backed kingfisher dhaadhiirr
red-bellied black snake galibaay
red-browed pardalote wiiwambin
red-eyed spirit: chough; red-eyed spirit wiiyuu
red-kneed dotterel dhibi
red-rumped parrot: ground parrot barrangga
red-tailed black cockatoo biliirr
red-tailed phascogale marawanda
red-winged parrot bilay
redbill, swamp hen mayuubiyuu
redbreast: robin redbreast guniibuu
reed dhariil
reflection nhalawilbayn
reflective: shiny, reflective, glittering ngandanganda
regurgitate: vomit, spew, regurgitate gaawi-li
rejoice, celebrate marra gi-gi
relative suffix -ldaay, -ndaay, -ngindaay
relative: dead relative guuguu
relaxed dhuurrguu
release, let go; sack yanaaynbi-li
remember: know; remember dhiirra-y
remember: understand; know; remember; think; love winanga-y
remove (own) dhuwima-y
remove quills wiyayi-li
remove, take out; take off (clothes) dhuwima-li
resist, stand strong guurrama-li
respected elder: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man dhilaagaa
respected elder: senior lady yinarraa
rest, spell, ease up buruwi-y, buuwi-y
restless flycatcher garaayaa
retain: keep, retain, store garrawa-li
return: come back, go back, return dharrawuluwi-y
return: come back, return dharrawu-li, dhurraluwi-y
return: put back, return yuwanma-li
revolve: turn around, revolve; turn into, transform; tangle up gayarra-y
rice yarrarr
Richard's pipit wagaaygaali
Richard's pipit: plain, open (treeless) country; Richard's pipit wagiwagi
riddle girribal
ride: sit; stay, stop, live; ride wila-y
Ridge: rocky ground/ridge murrila
right around yalagidhaay
right over there ngaarringaarri
right-handed; right (not left) dhuruyaal, dhuuyaal
right: absolutely, too right giirruu
right: all right ngaayay
right: good, well; all right, correctly; well (healthy) gaba
right: okay! all right! ngaayaybaay
right: that's right! ngaawawu
ringneck parrot nhan.garra
ringneck parrot: mulga parrot; ringneck parrot; two stars bulunbulun
ringtail possum garrawirr
ripe: hop bush; ripe; cooked yiilay
ripple baynyi
ripple, wave ngamulngamul
rise: climb; rise (sun/moon) galiya-y
rise: come; rise (sun/moon); grow dhurra-li
river bank baga
river bend wabu
river bug babarrngaan
river grass (native millet); grain; Goolhi guli
river gum flowers yarraanbiin
river mint: pennyroyal, river mint buuybuuy, ngawingawi
river red gum tree; Southern Cross (stars) yarraan
river wattle flowers gurrulayngayn
river wattle; Gurly Station gurrulay
river; creek bagay
river; deep water gaawaa
river: Barwon River Baawan
river: Bokhara River Bugayirra
river: Boobera Lagoon or MacIntyre River Gawubuwan Gunigal
river: Condamine River Gundhimayan
river: great egret; Ballone (place and river) baluun
river: Gwydir River Guwayda
river: Namoi River Ngamaay
river: other side of river gandaarr
river: skinny; Narran River nharran
river: straight river garragarraan
river's edge; edge miimii
roast: cook in a hole dhawuma-li
robin redbreast guniibuu
robin: hooded robin biibin
rocky ground/ridge murrila
roll (self) biyuurra-y
roll about/around biyuurragi-y
roll down a bank dhabirra-y
roll up: fold, roll up nguwa-li
roller: toy roller wanggal
roly-poly spirit: prickle; prickly plant; roly-poly spirit bindiyaa
roost: perch, roost wana-y
root: tree butt, tree trunk; tree root; end warran
root: young kurrajong root gaagul
rope yurrugu
rope: flying fox (made of rope/wire) galgandi
rope: kurrajong tree; rope nhimin
rope: string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
rosewood fruit bunbarrayn
rosewood, bunnary tree bunbarr
rotten; smelly, stinking nhuwi
rough, bumpy; knotty madhamadha
round: hole; grave; round gurru
row: quarrel, row garran
rubbish: mess, rubbish dhaga
rubbish: moss; rubbish, leaf litter gagarr
ruby saltbush burra
rufous whistler mulindjal
rum; wine yurraamu
run; flow (water); drive banaga-y
sack: release, let go; sack yanaaynbi-li
sacred fire yanguuwii
sacred kingfisher bunduun
sacred mountain: name of a sacred mountain Wubi Wubi
sacred stone gabarraa
sacred things buwarr
sacred tree: wilga; sacred tree dhiil
saddle dhaadal
salt dhal
saltbush bandiyal
saltbush: large saltbush binamayaa
saltbush: ruby saltbush burra
saltbush: small saltbush nhingil
same one biyarruu
same, copied yaluuyaluu
same: like, just like (in the same way as) yalagiirray
sand goanna biiwii, dhulii
sand; louse nit garaay, gayaay
sand; sandhill gumbugan
sandalwood tree garruwi
sandalwood tree grub garruuyal
sandalwood tree, budda tree; bitter, sour badha
sandfly mugiin.gaa
sandhill wattle girranbiiyan
sandhill: sand; sandhill gumbugan
sated: full of food, sated, satisfied yuularaay, yuuliyaay
satisfactory: okay! miyaay
satisfied: full of food, sated, satisfied yuularaay, yuuliyaay
sauce: juice, gravy; soup, sauce wirrun
saucepan ngaymbuwan
savage: angry; savage yiiliyanbaa
saw baladi, bul
sawdust: dirt (debris); sawdust djulu
say: talk (to), speak (to); tell; say; make (someone do something) guwaa-li
scab giigal
scale giinba-li
scaly tribe giinbaligal
scar yurrun
scar: initiation scars, cicatrices; carving, engraving; mark, writing; scar mubirr
scarf gambada
school principal dhiirralbidi
scold: tell off, scold yaya-li
scoop: dip, scoop dhiyarra-li
scorpion dhula, gunha
scrape: smooth off; scrape; calm gaynma-li
scraper gayn
scratch: dig; scratch mawu-gi
scratch: nail, fingernail, toenail; claw; scratch (claw mark) yulu
scrub: bush, scrub; seed yurrul
search for, look for gayarra-gi
search for, look for; find ngaawa-y
season: good season ngulawaa
seat gulaban
secret wadhagii
secret name mudhun
section: men's social section Gabii, Gambuu, Marrii, Yibaay
section: women's social section Gabudhaa, Maadhaa, Yibadhaa
section: women's social section; meeting Buudhaa
sedge: type of sedge barrawan
see; look; watch ngami-li, ngarra-li
seed cake dharrii
seed or grass necklace dhiiriil
seed; foetus dhinggal
seed: bush, scrub; seed yurrul
seed: grass seed dhunbarr
seed: sheaf of grass seed yaamarra
seed: tooth; seed; peg yiya
seek: hide and seek game waaguu
self: body, self burrbiyaan
self: body, spirit (human), self dhubayn
selfish: stubborn; selfish; sulky gundhuwundhuu
semen barabin
send: build, put up; stand up; send; raise (bring up) warrayma-li
senior lady (respected elder) yinarraa
senior man: grandfather (father's father); great-uncle (mother's mother's brother); senior man (respected elder) dhilaagaa
sequentially; string of stars mandaymanday
series of steps (sequence) manday
set: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
set: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
set: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
settle down: quieten, soothe, calm, settle down binaal bunma-li
seven guulay
Seven Sisters: little girl; Seven Sisters (stars), Pleiades (stars); mallee willow miyaymiyaay
sex: have sex, make love dhaa-rri
sex: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
sexy, randy gayaay
shade house: bough shed, shade house buuwayamba
shade, shadow dhadhin
shadow spirit: human shadow; shadow spirit; location malawil
shadow: shade, shadow dhadhin
shag: darter, long-necked shag ganandhaal, gunambaal
shake down buwama-li
shake; shiver; wag; rattle dhirranba-y
shallow ganaay
shallow waterhole gilgaay
shame: shield, broad shield; cover; shame burriin
shame!, oh no! barrabandu
shameless, no shame giyaldhalibaa
shape: grey colour or shape guwin
sharp: small sharp things; needle; nail; pin binggi
sharpening-tools place Barrali Mugulbaa
shave (self) wiirra-y
shave; shear wiirra-li
shaved: cut, mown, clipped; shaved garragarraa
she: he, she (doer/doer to) nguru, nguu
sheaf of grass seed yaamarra
shear: shave; shear wiirra-li
shearing handpiece bagaay
shed: bough shed, shade house buuwayamba
sheep dhimba
sheep intestines (large) yaray
sheep intestines (small) galinggaa
sheet: bark sheet dhayaarr
shell chest pendant: shell; shell chest pendant waa
shell: boss shell dhuurranmay waa
shell: nose bone/shell muyu waa
shelly log
shield yiilaman
shield, broad shield; cover; shame burriin
shift, drag dhuurrma-li
shin: lower leg, calf of leg, shin buyu
shingleback lizard garrbaali, manggaay
shiny, reflective, glittering ngandanganda
shirt dhuwadi
shit: defecate, shit guna-gi
shit: faeces, shit guna
shitty: cranky, shitty gana garraa
shiver yii-gi
shiver: shake; shiver; wag; rattle dhirranba-y
shoe: boot, shoe manduwii, nhangana
shooting star mirii yanan
shop, store garrawal
short cut bagaarr
short of breath buliirral ganaay
short-necked turtle waraba, wayamba
shorty, tiny badjindi
shoulder walarr
shoulder blade biilaa, biilara
shout: call, shout (at), yell (at), sing out gaga-li
shove: push against, shove garranba-li
shovel dhagadhaal
showy: flash, showy dhirradhirra
shrike-thrush: grey shrike-thrush dhan.galaadhil, dharruwii
shrimp: ant (any, black); shrimp giidjaa
shrivelled milamilaa
shrunken milamilaa
shut muwi-li
shy guyan
sick wiibil
sick: be sick wiibi-li
sick: feel sick, be sick dhaala-gi
sickness spirit yarayawu
side nhirrin
side (location) -gili
side: far side mulandha
side: other side ngaarrigili, ngaarrigili
side: other side of river gandaarr
side: over there (other side) ngarraagulay
side: this side nguwagili
sideways, to the side dhaan
silly, mad; pretending! yaambul
silly: mad, crazy; stupid, silly; eccentric wamba
silly: poor (helpless), pitiful; silly; alas!, oh dear! ngarragaa
silver bream, sooty grunter gambaal
silver gull: seagull, silver gull giinbaywarraymal, maanggiiwarraywarraymal
silver ironbark dhiinyaay
silver wattle dhaniyaa
similar to: like, similar to -giirr
sinew string dhunbilyabi
sinewy: strong, sinewy dhunbiliyaay
sing out: call, shout (at), yell (at), sing out gaga-li
sing; praise bawi-li
singe dhinba-li
sip: chew; sip nguuguuba-li
sister buurrii, miimi
sister-in-law; sweetheart gambaay
sister; grandmother (mother's mother) gaadhii
sister: father's sister ngama
sister: older sister bawa, dhawurran
sister: older sister, sister baawaa
sister: older sister; younger sister bagaan
sister: younger sister bariyan
sister's daughter: niece gunugayngaa
sister's husband: brother-in-law; brother-in-law (wife's brother) biraman
sister's husband: father; mother's sister's husband biiyalaa
sister's son: nephew gunubingaa
sit; stay, stop, live yilawa-y
sit; stay, stop, live; ride wila-y
sitting emu ngurran.gali
six yuli
skeleton spirit guwaybuyan
skin cracks yaydja
skink: striped skink baganbi
skinny; Narran River nharran
skipping game burrumbal
sky camp: heaven, sky camp; place far away balima
sky; heaven gunagala
skylark mulaydjalbii
sleep yuwarr
sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
sleep: eye dirt dhala
sleep: go to sleep yuwarra-y
sleep: stay; sleep; camp baabi-li
sleepy lizard wurumal
sleight of hand: trick dhanggiway
slime: diarrhoea; snail slime/track gindjul
slime: dribble; slime wiiluun
slip buli-y
slippery bulilbulil
sloping river bank wanba
slow worm: legless lizard, slow worm binadhiwuubiyan
slowly, steadily; quietly baluwaa
small berry yawurr
small brown ant wamuwaa
small club gudhurru
small coolamon; plate wirri
small dragon lizard gumawuma
small grindstone giba
small hailstone yiyagungawuma
small locust, cicada ngininnginin
small mussel giinbay, maanggii
small pigweed yiil
small saltbush nhingil
small sharp things; needle; nail; pin binggi
small waterhole gilgal
small waterhole; lagoon dhanggaal
small, little badjin, bubaay, dhugaay
small, little; child gaay
small: child; small, little gaaynmara
small: little, small; one -DHuul
smelly: rotten; smelly, stinking nhuwi
smiling dhirrabil
smoke (ceremonial) wuyugi-li
smoke; fire dhuu
smoke: blow; smoke tobacco buubi-li
smoke: ceremonial smoke; smoke wuyugil
smoke: funeral smoke; fine rain dhuubaarr
smoked: blackened, smoked dhuumuyu
smooth off; scrape; calm gaynma-li
smooth; calm gayn.gayn
snail slime/track: diarrhoea; snail slime/track gindjul
snake dhuru, dhuyu
snake bean wilay
snake track gay, wayal
snake: bandy bandy snake dhuyubagan
snake: black snake ngurray, wuyubuluuy
snake: brown and yellow snake; Babarra babarra
snake: brown snake warrala
snake: fierce snake wularr
snake: grey snake ngabi, nhiibi
snake: king brown snake; snake ngandabaa
snake: red-bellied black snake galibaay
snake: tree snake waya
snake: woma snake mangan
sneak, creep dhila-y
sneeze; hiccup giguwi, giguwi dhu-rri
snot: mucus, snot mirril
snotty gobbles: mistletoe, snotty gobbles baan
soak: well, soak, spring girruu
soap dhuubuu
social group Bumbira, Magula, Ngara
socks dhagin
soft drink guwiirr gungan
soft: boil; swelling; pus; soft, weak mula
soil: baked soil barrin
soil: black soil banuwa
soil: red soil guwaygalaa
soil: red soil; Kigwigil gigwidjil
soldier bird, miner bird dhiidjiinbawaa
solid: hard, solid; strong; tough walanbaa
solid: hard, solid; tough walan
some -Waa
some: few; some gulbirr
someone (doer to) ngaanduwaa
someone (doer/done to) ngaanawaa, ngaandiyaa
someone: from someone ngaanngundiyaa
someone: to someone ngaanngundawaa
someone's ngaannguwaa
something minyagaa
somewhere: at somewhere minyaayawaa
somewhere: to somewhere minyaarruwaa
son of Byame Gindhayndaamuwi
son-in-law: father-in-law; son-in-law bambuy
son-in-law: mother-in-law (wife's mother); son-in-law (woman's daughter's husband); grandmother (father's mother) garrimaay
son-in-law: mother-in-law's brother; son-in-law badhuul
son: boy; son birray
son's child: grandchild (son's child) nganawayngaa
son's or daughter's child: grandchild, son's or daughter's child nhanuwaaydji
son's son: grandson waaruu
song yugal
song: dirge, funeral song guunay
song: initiation song burrambuurra
song: little song yugali
soon baayan
soon, directly; recently yilaa
soothe: quieten, soothe, calm, settle down binaal bunma-li
sooty grunter: silver bream, sooty grunter gambaal
sore bayn
sorry! madja
soul, spirit (human); heart wood; inside dhuwi
sound: noise, sound dhural
soup: juice, gravy; soup, sauce wirrun
sour: sandalwood tree, budda tree; bitter, sour badha
south dhadhin
south-west wind dhurralbuu
Southern Cross: river red gum tree; Southern Cross (stars) yarraan
Southern Cross: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo; pointers of Southern Cross muyaay
sow thistle dhiinyaan
spangled grunter (fish) babi
sparks: belah wood sparks murrguwidjuwii
sparrow wubu
speak of the devil! galaay
speak: talk (to), speak (to); tell; say; make (someone do something) guwaa-li
spear thrower (woomera) wamara
spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
spear; swamp oak, belah tree bilaarr
spear: emu spear munun
spear: fishing spear dhindi
spear: jagged spear mirringamu
spear: toy spear widjuwidju
spears: game with discs and spears; bark discs wanggalay
special uncle mandhii
speckled ngayarray
speechless: dumb dhalaydhalibaa
spell: rest, spell, ease up buruwi-y, buuwi-y
spew: vomit, spew, regurgitate gaawi-li
spicy: peppery, spicy yiiliyiili
spider gayiya
spider web gayiyabarra
spider: huntsman spider gurra
spider: trapdoor spider marrgamarrgaay
spill: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
spill: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
spin (eggs) garima-li
spinach: native spinach galan.galaan
spine: backbone, spine guriya, guuyaa
spirit breath yawi buliirral
spirit dog Mirriwuula
spirit emu gawarrgay
spirit holder: clever man's bag; spirit holder bundurr
spirit light: fire; firewood; light; clever; bobby fish; spirit light wii
spirit-haunted stone nguruma, nguuma
spirit-haunted tree mingga
spirit: a spirit Milaygiin
spirit: axe-face spirit Nguluyuundu
spirit: bad spirit bagii
spirit: battle spirit; location Wurrawaadhiyan
spirit: birth spirit wadhaagudjaaylwan
spirit: birthplace spirit ngarrama
spirit: body-snatching spirit wiiwiimal
spirit: body, spirit (human), self dhubayn
spirit: bora spirit; bullroarer; brother-in-law gayandaay
spirit: bora-ground spirit nhaagal
spirit: car; cart; whirlwind spirit wilbaarr
spirit: chough; red-eyed spirit wiiyuu
spirit: clever man's spirit; person's spirit malimali
spirit: creation spirit; waterhole at Gingie Gali Gurunha
spirit: evil spirit giniirr
spirit: ghost, spirit; white man wanda
spirit: human shadow; shadow spirit; location malawil
spirit: long-nailed spirit Yuluwaya
spirit: man-like spirit murraagu
spirit: person's spirit yawi
spirit: prickle; prickly plant; roly-poly spirit bindiyaa
spirit: sickness spirit yarayawu
spirit: skeleton spirit guwaybuyan
spirit: soul, spirit (human); heart wood; inside dhuwi
spirit: tree spirit giniybarra, maambiyaa
spirit: weather spirit wabuwi
spirit: whirlwind spirit warrawilbaarru
spirit: woman spirit yuurri
spirits of the lower world yiiliyanbaa wanda
spiteful nhimalnhimal
spitfire grub maliga
splash: wave, splash yaarrngan
spleen marran
splinter, piece, fragment bilgin
split open barrabarraa
split; burst, bust; crack baarray-rri
split: crack; split; burst baarra-y
split: thread, filament; split barra
spoilt child, cry-baby yungiirr
spoonbill maadhaabulaa
spotted mundimundi
spotted bowerbird wiidhaa
spotted nightjar buugudaguda
spotty river gum tree yumu
spouse, husband, wife guliirr
spouse: potential spouse (for a man) nganuwaay
spout: bee's wax, wax spout mayaarr
spread out warruma-li
spread out to dry guwima-li
spread out: make bigger, spread out waluwarr bunma-li
spread out: wide, spread out waluwarr, warru
spread: prepare a bed; spread dhiyaagarra-li
spring wind yarragaa
spring: car spring gadjul
spring: well, soak, spring girruu
spur-winged plover, masked lapwing baaldharradharra
spurt: gush out, spurt yuuga-y
squash; knead bama-li
squatter pigeon mumumbaay
stab: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
staggering dhaandhaan
staggering drunk dharraadhaandhaan
stamp: hop; jump; stamp; flap baa-y
stand strong: resist, stand strong guurrama-li
stand up: build, put up; stand up; send; raise (bring up) warrayma-li
stand; stand up, get up; swell warra-y
standing warrawarra
star: budgerigar; a particular star gidjirrigaa
star: Canopus Wamba
star: Morning Star, Venus (planet) Maliyan.gaalay
star: shooting star mirii yanan
stare; watch carefully bamba ngarra-li
starling; unknown bird dhurrubuu
stars: little girl; Seven Sisters, Pleiades; mallee willow miyaymiyaay
stars: mulga parrot; ringneck parrot; two stars bulunbulun
stars: Orion's belt; boys birraybirraay
stars: Pleiades Bariyan Ngama
stars: river red gum tree; Southern Cross yarraan
stars: sequentially; string of stars mandaymanday
stay; sleep; camp baabi-li
stay: sit; stay, stop, live yilawa-y
stay: sit; stay, stop, live; ride wila-y
stay: sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
steadily: slowly, steadily; quietly baluwaa
steady on! yaa
steep bank ngandirr, nganggil
steps: series of steps (sequence) manday
stick horse wulbul yaal
stick into dhuwi-y
stick; tree giniy
stick: bendy stick; stock whip wulbul
stick: bora message stick dhulu buurra
stick: ceremonial stick wilgu
stick: clever man's stick birru, wii muyaan
stick: club (throwing stick); bark throwing stick wagarraa
stick: drawing stick dhumbaay
stick: feathered stick maadji
stick: forked stick dharran
stick: hitting thing; hitting stick; hammer bumal
stick: message stick maang
stick: poison stick, poison bone bugiyaa, gadhiigurrii
stick: tree; stick; branch muyaan
stick: tree; stick; message stick dhulu
stick: yamstick, digging stick ganay
sticks: tree for storing poison sticks bugarru
sticks: wood; sticks wugan
sticky mamalmamal
still (continuing) mayabuu
still: be quiet; be still dhabi-y
stilt: black-winged stilt buyuwaalwaal
sting: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
stinking: rotten; smelly, stinking nhuwi
stinky; western grey kangaroo (nickname) nhuwiwan
stir; twist; turn gayma-li
stock whip: bendy stick; stock whip wulbul
stockman: red kangaroo; jackeroo, stockman bawurra
stomach, belly, guts mubal
stone axe, tomahawk birran.gaa, gambu
stone axe, tomahawk; axe yuundu
stone knife magal
stone; money maayama
stone; money (coins) yarral
stone: death stone dhinagarralawaa, wuyugarralawaa
stone: magic stone muuliyaay
stone: rain-making stone wuudalay
stone: sacred stone gabarraa
stone: spirit-haunted stone nguruma, nguuma
stony place maayamabaa
stool: log bridge; stool, bench gulaay
stoop dhubi-y
stoop: bend down, stoop; lean over dhuli-y
stop it! wanagidjay
stop, cease doing garri-y
stop: don't, stop garriya
stop: sit; stay, stop, live yilawa-y
stop: sit; stay, stop, live; ride wila-y
stop: sleep; lie (down); camp, stop, stay; live dhanduwi-y
store: keep, retain, store garrawa-li
store: shop, store garrawal
storm walawala
storm: dust storm burran
story: word; message; language; story gaay
straight river garragarraan
straight, true warragil
straighten up (tidy), put in order baanda-li
strange gulguu
strange: new, strange guliyaan
strange! ngibaay
stranger gandaadhaay
stranger to corroboree muuwi
stranger, foreigner; strange, odd wiyaybaa
striated pardalote wirrwirr
string of stars: sequentially; string of stars mandaymanday
string, rope; fishing line; hair-string belt buurr
string: sinew string dhunbilyabi
stringybark: house; stringybark gum tree gundhi
strip off: tear off, pull off, strip off; tear baarrama-li
stripe bagan
striped baganbagan
striped skink baganbi
strong, powerful warranggal
strong, sinewy dhunbiliyaay
strong: hard, solid; strong; tough walanbaa
strong: hard, strong ngaarr
stubborn; selfish; sulky gundhuwundhuu
stuck tight: tight, stuck tight; constipated garran.garraan
stump: hollow tree; tree stump ngadhul
stupid: mad, crazy; stupid, silly; eccentric wamba
suck, suckle ngamu-gi
sucker: tree sucker buugiin
suckle: suck, suckle ngamu-gi
suffix: benefactive -n.giili-y, -Vli-y
suffix: command -la, -na, -nga, -ya
suffix: each other (reciprocal suffix) -dha-y, -la-y
suffix: future tense -gi, -li, -rri, -y
suffix: moving progressive -laa-y, -waa-y, -yaa-y
suffix: past tense -nhi, -nyi, -y
suffix: present progressive verb -nha
suffix: purpose verb -gu
suffix: regular progressive -dha-y, -gi-la-y, -lda-y, -rraa-y, -y-la-y
suffix: relative -ldaay, -ndaay, -ngindaay
sugar dhuga
sugar ant barrawaraay
sulky: out of place; lonely, sulky walingay
sulky: stubborn; selfish; sulky gundhuwundhuu
sulphur-crested cockatoo: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo muraay
sulphur-crested cockatoo: white cockatoo, sulphur-crested cockatoo; pointers of Southern Cross muyaay
sun: climb; rise (sun/moon) galiya-y
sun: come; rise (sun/moon); grow dhurra-li
sun: eclipse of sun yaraay warra-y
sun: get down; spill, drip, leak; go down, set (moon/sun) gaarri-y
sun: go down, set (moon/sun); spill, drip, leak yaarri-y
sun: go into; go down, set (moon/sun); dress self wuu-gi
sun: halo around moon or sun garrul
sunbake wuulaabila-y
Sunday school dhayaanmaa
sundown: down, down there; under; west ngadaa
supplejack tree ganayanay
suppose dhagil
suppose: thought ngadhan.gaa
surface: face; forehead; point; surface ngulu
surprise: expression of surprise nhaan
surveyor gamidjina
swagman burriimaan
swallow: welcome swallow dhunbarra
swamp box guburruu
Swamp Camp Murrgu Walaay
swamp grass yiindal
swamp hen: redbill, swamp hen mayuubiyuu
swamp oak, belah tree murrgu
swamp oak: spear; swamp oak, belah tree bilaarr
swamp paperbark, tea-tree nguu
swan: black swan baayamal, barayamal, burrunda
swap: trade, swap ngaambi-li
sweep biimba-li
sweet guwiirr
sweet dough nhaamanhi
sweetbread gulawularr
sweetheart: manna; sweetheart; mallee willow guwiirra
sweetheart: sister-in-law; sweetheart gambaay
swell: stand; stand up, get up; swell warra-y
swelling; swollen wurrun
swelling: boil; swelling; pus; soft, weak mula
swift (a bird) biirruun
swim gubi-y
swim on surface: float (self); swim on surface dhangga-y
swollen eye mil warra
swollen: swelling; swollen wurrun
swoop down wuuli-y
sword garralan
taboo budun, gamaal
taboo, forbidden wanaal
tadpole nguuluwi
tail dhiil
tail: emu tail bubudhala
tail: penis; tail dhun
take back: bring back, take back gaaguwi-y
take off: remove, take out; take off (clothes) dhuwima-li
take out; open dhuma-li
take; bring, fetch; carry; wear; own, have gaa-gi
talk (to), speak (to); tell; say; make (someone do something) guwaa-li
talk to each other: converse guwaala-y
talk: lot of talk burrulaa garay
talkative dhalaybidi
tall: long; tall guraarr, guyaarr
tangle; waterhole name yulanbiirr
tangle: turn around, revolve; turn into, transform; tangle up gayarra-y
tap: spear, stab; sting; poke (with pointed object); tap; have sex, make love; write; carve dhu-rri
tar vine wudhugaa
Tarilarai Dhariilaraay
tasteless: blunt; tasteless, unsweetened nhunduu
tattletale, dobber dhubayan
tawny frogmouth buluurr
tea dhii
tea leaves dhii garril
tea-tree: swamp paperbark, tea-tree nguu
teacher of the law; clever, intelligent binangarrangarra
tear off, pull off, strip off; tear baarrama-li
tear: water; rain; tear gali
teenage girl (restricted word) malagan
teeth on edge dhirragal
tell a lie: lie, tell a lie dhanggi-li, yaal dhanggi-li
tell about dhubaanma-li
tell off, scold yaya-li
tell: talk (to), speak (to); tell; say; make (someone do something) guwaa-li
temporary waterhole gurruway
tempting: very good, tempting maayndjul
tense: future tense -gi, -li, -rri, -y
tense: past tense -nhi, -nyi, -y
tent guwilii
Terewah Dharrawaawul
termite mound guwiigaa
termite: white ant, termite baamagaaliyan
tern: whiskered tern budhagalagala
testicles, balls bugalaa, buru, buu
testicles: ball, ball game; testicles, balls burugalaa, buugalaa
testicles: penis; testicles manday
that way: over there ngaarrigulay, ngaarrimali
that, the nhamali
that, the; there nhama
that, those nguuma
that's enough! giirrnga
that's right! ngaawawu
their (more than two people); to them (more than two people) ganungu
their (two people); to them (two people) gaalingu
them: from them (more than two people) ganungundi
them: from them (two people) gaalingundi
them: to/at/on them (more than two people) ganungunda
them: to/at/on them (two people) gaalingunda
then -laa
then: at that time, then yalagiirrmawu
then: now; then; or -nga
there (close) marrama
there, over there ngaarri
there: down, down there; under; west (sundown) ngadaa
there: over there ngaarrima
there: over there (other side) ngarraagulay
there: over there (that way) ngaarrigulay, ngaarrimali
there: right over there ngaarringaarri
there: that, the; there nhama
therefore: because, therefore waama
they (more than two people - doer to) ganugu
they (more than two people - doer/done to) ganunga
they (two people - doer to) gaali, ngurugaali
they (two people - doer/done to) gaalinha, gaalinga
thick nhunduwaa
thigh, leg; creek; tree branch dharra
thigh; gully, creek mabun
thin, bony bilga, burabura, buyabuya
think: understand; know; remember; think; love winanga-y
thirsty galingin, yarigin
thirsty: dry, empty, bare; thirsty; Pallal balal
this side nguwagili
this way, in this manner yalay
this way, to here dhaay
this; here nhalay
thistle: milk thistle balamba
thistle: sow thistle dhiinyaan
thorny: prickly, thorny bindiyaabiyaay
those: that, those nguuma
thought (suppose) ngadhan.gaa
thousand dhawadha
thread, filament; split barra
three gulibaa
throat; neck wuru, wuyu
throat: Adam's apple, throat; passage, cattle race wun.guwi
throw waa-li
throw at: pelt, throw at garawi-li
throw at: pelt, throw at; point bone, kill gayawi-li
throw out: push away; throw out dhilay-rri
throw, pitch; leave wana-gi
throwing stick: club; bark throwing stick wagarraa
thug: hit man, thug bumaldaay
thunder cloud dharringarra
thunder; lightning murrumay
tidy: straighten up, put in order baanda-li
tie up; knot yulaa-li
tie up: hang up; tie up bindaybi-li
tight, stuck tight; constipated garran.garraan
Timbumburi Creek Dhimbambaraay
time -u
time of creation bulaan
time of creation, dreamtime burruguu
time of; place of -Baa
tin can giyaan
tin can: tin mug, mug; can gaala
tin canoe: bark hut; tin canoe dhaadharr
tin dish dhindiirr
tin: tree bark; tin; canoe nganda
tiny: shorty, tiny badjindi
tip: chasings, tip gubiyalanhay
tired; lazy yinggil
tired: quiet; tired malu
tired: very tired, exhausted yarrbun
tit: yellow tit, weebill (bird) mindjarru
to and fro nganbinganbi
to her: her(s), his; to her, him ngurungu, nguungu
to here (nearby) marragula
to here: this way, to here dhaay
to me: my; to me ngay
to someone ngaanngundawaa
to somewhere minyaarruwaa
to the side: sideways, to the side dhaan
to them: their (more than two people); to them (more than two people) ganungu
to them: their (two people); to them (two people) gaalingu
to us: our (more than two people); to us (more than two people) ngiyaningu
to us: our (two people); to us (two people) ngalingu
to who? ngaanngunda
to who?: whose?; to who? ngaanngu
to you: your (more than two people); to you (more than two people) nginaayngu
to you: your (one person); to you (one person) nginu
to you: your (two people); to you (two people) nginaalingu
to: in, at, on; to (dative) -Ga
to: movement to; purpose; belonging to; for -gu
to: where to? minyaarru
to/at/on him/her ngurungunda, nguungunda
to/at/on me nganunda
to/at/on them (more than two people) ganungunda
to/at/on them (two people) gaalingunda
to/at/on us (more than two people) ngiyaningunda
to/at/on us (two people) ngalingunda
to/at/on you (more than two people) nginaayngunda
to/at/on you (one person) nginunda
to/at/on you (two people) nginaalingunda
tobacco biyaga
today: now (immediately); today yilaadhu
toe: big toe gunidjarr baburr
toe: foot; footprint, tracks; toe dhina
toenail dhina yulu
toenail: nail, fingernail, toenail; claw; scratch (claw mark) yulu
toes: fingers; toes bambugal
toilet gunagalaa
tomahawk dhamiyaa, giirrgal
tomahawk: stone axe, tomahawk birran.gaa, gambu
tomahawk: stone axe, tomahawk; axe yuundu
tomato: native tomato bulumburr, gumi
tomorrow ngurrugu
tomorrow: yesterday (recent past), tomorrow (near future) -ngayi-y
tongue; finished!; cheeky! dhalay
too right: absolutely, too right giirruu
tooth yira
tooth; seed; peg yiya
toothless yiyadhalibaa
top; high place gaburran
top: be on top; be up ma-y
top: hat; lid, top gabundi
topknot pigeon gulawuliil
topknot: bird's topknot dhigun
torn, ragged gadharrgadharr
totem: hand; finger; five; totem maa
totem: healer's totem yanbiyaay
totem: matrilineal totem yarudhagaa
totem: meat dhinggaa
totem: meat; animal dhii
touch: feel, touch dhama-li
tough: hard, solid; strong; tough walanbaa
tough: hard, solid; tough walan
toy club (waddy) budhal
toy club: game with toy club garril budhal
toy roller wanggal
toy spear widjuwidju
track yawa-li